In 1897 a man was sent to prison because of the testimony of a ghost
This strange thing happened in the United States in the late 19th century. Elva Hister was found dead at his home January 23, 1897-year. By the time the doctor arrived and the police, Elvy husband, Edward Shue, dressed her in a beautiful dress for burial and carried the body into the bedroom. The dress had a hard collar, and he covered the woman's face with a scarf. Shu wept and killed so that the doctor decided to limit ourselves to a brief examination of the body, so as not to provoke a heartbroken husband had heart attack or any seizure.
A month after the funeral of his mother Elvy had a dream in which the deceased was her from the world and said that Shu was a cruel man, constantly beat her and abused her. Elva complained to his mother that Shu strangled her because she had not cooked the meat for dinner.
The parents of the deceased insisted on the exhumation and autopsy. An autopsy confirmed that strangulation. Shu was brought to trial on charges of murder.
June 22, 1897, the year took place on a scandalous process in which the victim's mother acted as a witness for the prosecution. Shu's lawyer tried to prove that based on the testimony of a ghost in court is impossible, but the judge concluded that the mother Elvy so consistently and correctly pointed out many details of the crime that she says can be trusted completely. Shu was sentenced to life imprisonment for premeditated murder.
via factroom.ru