There is a worm with 60 eyes
British biologists have found literally underfoot new type of flatworm, which has been dubbed the strangest of beings that they've libodovodilos see. Invertebrate length of 12 mm is 60 eyes.
The worm was discovered in a pasture near Cambridge executive director of the foundation "Wildlife Trust" Brian Evershamom. According to the biologist, especially his surprise finds a place that could be called "the most studied place on earth." As for the worm, it is the complete opposite of their "close relatives" who are living in Northern Ireland, adds Eversham.
An expert in the field of invertebrates, researcher's Natural History Museum Hugh Jones agree with my colleague, arguing that it was "an entirely new, not previously described species". According to the biologist, he saw something similar only in the Netherlands, where, in April, was found the only copy of this worm.
According to experts, the surprising finding that the flora and fauna of Great Britain is very well studied.
via factroom.ru