For each person has 250 million insects

Insects have experienced five mass natural disasters and were more tenacious than tyrannosaurs. The estimated number of species of insects that live on the planet, according to various estimates, from 3 to 30 million species. For each person has approximately 250 million individuals.
Science currently known about one million species of insects. Annually described from 3 to 10 thousand new species. Most scientists make discoveries in the little-known and richest insect tropical areas. Thus, insects - the largest group of living organisms on Earth. They are more than the other animals and plants combined.
Scientists believe that the first living creatures appeared on Earth is the insects that lived on the planet for another 400 million years ago.
On average, each inhabitant of the Earth in the year mosquitoes bite some one hundred times. Man is able to endure and more than a hundred bites, but in people with hypersensitivity to allergens, even one sting can cause death. The greatest danger is the honey bee stings, wasp, hornet, horseflies and bumblebees.
80% of species of herbivorous insects, 15% - predators, 5% - bloodsuckers and Swarm. Those insects that feed on plants that annually consume 25-30% of the global harvest. The scientists examined the stomachs of mosquitoes caught around settlements, and found that 80% of these insects feed on the blood of animals.
via factroom.ru