The more your boss' signature, the more likely it is prone to narcissism

The more your boss' signature, the more likely that it can be narcissistic man. That is the conclusion reached by researchers of the Business School at the University of North Carolina. They compared 605 signatures of heads of firms and found that the large size of the signature indicates the propensity to narcissism.
Signatures were taken from annual reports and other corporate documents of such companies with the S & P 500, that is, above all listed on the US stock markets. Each signature is analyzed on the computer - it simply placed in a rectangle and measured how much area on a sheet of paper it takes, and compared to the number of square letters in the signature.
Narcissism - is a selfish trait is to increase narcissism and disregard for others. Such people tend to be able to show their best side, whereby a responsible positions and high salaries, but, as prone to overestimate their own quality, it often leads to ruin your business. They also invest more in capital expenditures and acquisitions, but pay lower dividends. Often rukovoditeli- "daffodils" are the highest paid executives in the firm.
However, such conclusions are not all scientists agree. Several researchers from the State University Appalachian note that the signature may mean big confidence and extraversion, and such qualities of the head of company only wins. The authors of this study say that they did not try to identify the rule, but simply noted the link between the signature and the big bad financial position of the company, but it does not have to be logical.
via factroom.ru
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