In Nova Scotia, there is the mysterious man-hole, and still do not know what they have at the bottom
In 1795, the year Daniel McGinnis, a teenager from Nova Scotia, stumbled upon a mysterious hole in the ground. Of course, it is interested in the boy, and he returned to this place with your friends to see what lies at the bottom of the pit. However, after a three-meter boys blocked the path of a layer of thick logs. To overcome this obstacle the children could not, so they had to leave.
Eight years later, they are back again with more advanced equipment to finish the job as a child study, and began to dig. After every three meters they found the logs, and then ran into a layer of charcoal, plaster and coconut fiber, under which at a depth of 27 meters turned out to be a stone with a mysterious inscription.
Unfortunately, the hole is exposed to water. The pit was filled so quickly that researchers do not have time to pump out the water. It turned out that the creators of the holes built a narrow tunnel to the nearby beach and brought him to the pit so that she filled with water, if someone digs it too deeply. In fact, it was a trap.
In an attempt to get to the mysterious stone researchers later tried to dig a new pit and parallel to the main tunnel, but nothing worked. As a result, the original pit wall just collapsed. However, people continued to make new attempts to literally get to the bottom for two hundred years. What is at the bottom of the pit, it is not known so far, but the attempts continue.
via factroom.ru
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