There is a tree that "shoots" the seeds at a rate of 70 m / s
Hur exploding (dynamite tree) - a type of evergreen shrub found in tropical areas of South America, including the Amazon rainforest. It grows up to 60 m in height. Most noticeable is a tree in the dark thanks to the sharpened spikes on smooth brown crust. These spines - a natural defense mechanism from animals that are not able to climb the tree to enjoy the fruits of his unusual.
The fruits of Hura exploding represent a large capsule, which could at any time explode and start seeds in flight at a speed of 70 m / c. Sometimes the seeds of "land" is 100 m from the tree. The explosion is heard a sharp loud bang, because of which the exploding Hur received the second name - dynamite tree.
The juice of this tree is poisonous so that fishermen use it to poison fish, caribbean moistened arrowheads in the juice of berries Hura.
via factroom.ru
The largest known earthworms reached almost 7 meters in length
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