Breath man leaves a unique mark, like a fingerprint
Chemical trace of your breath as unique as fingerprints and may be used to identify you. Moreover, it can be used to diagnose diseases.
Medicine is traditionally based on the data for this analysis of blood, urine and tissues. These biological samples contained metabolites - residues of biochemical processes in the body. The metabolic profile is dependent on several factors: diet, infections, circadian rhythms and living in the gut microorganisms. All this affects the type and amount of chemicals present in various organs, including the joints, which stand out with the breath.
Since 2011, the year for such diagnostic use dogs specially trained animals can be determined by a person's breath, if he is ill with cancer, up to 90%. A recent research in this area has shown that breathing "fingerprints" can be used to determine other diseases.
The researchers emphasize that the method is minimally invasive. Unlike blood sampling, there is no need to use a needle, and in contrast to urine, the patient need not be subjected unpleasant procedure, and the results of mass spectrometry allows to obtain almost instantaneously.
via factroom.ru