Your sense of taste may change completely

Imagine that you have bitten off a piece of your favorite sausage and suddenly realized that her taste - just not what you expected to feel. This phenomenon is called dysgeusia - sudden changes in taste, often not for the better. On the occurrence of dysgeusia may be affected by many factors, such as age or pregnancy.
Change in taste is rarer than a change of perception of smells, because the tastes are transmitted to the brain of the language in several different ways. In order for your sense of taste has changed, it is necessary that all these paths suddenly messed up.
Changes can be extremely varied. Most people feel all the time in the mouth, metallic taste, which nothing can kill. Sometimes patients respond only to certain flavors, for example, in one case, the patient's mouth was filled with disgusting bitter after eating cumin, dill, tarragon or capers. It turned out, all of these dressings contain the same substance which is reacted negatively at the taste buds.
Often people begin to rapidly lose weight disvegziey as disturbances in the sense of taste can lead to loss of appetite. In other cases, the patient is a familiar favorite taste sugar or salt in some only one product and only ate it.
However disvegziya is not irreparable. In some cases, eliminate the need for it to cure the disease, it is due, the other - the sense of taste may return itself.
via factroom.ru