Overdosing soy sauce can lead to coma

The young man drank a liter of soy sauce, fell into a coma and nearly died from excess salt in the body - reported by doctors in Virginia (USA) studied the case of 19-year-old man. The guy drank a liter of soy sauce on a bet with friends, as a result he came hypernatremia - high concentration of sodium in the blood plasma (over 145-year-mmol / l) due to violations of exchange of sodium and water in the body decreases the volume of intracellular fluid that It can be very dangerous.

Doctor Emergency Medical Aid Hospital Georgetown University in Washington, David George. Karlberg, render medical assistance to the young man she explained that hypernatremia usually develops in people with mental disorders do not control their appetite and eat too much seasoning. According Karlberg, this disease is particularly dangerous in that the water lose brain cells when the body is trying to restore sodium balance, uses all the free water.
After the young man drank soy sauce, he began seizure - friends immediately took him to hospital, but when the doctor began to give him first aid, the guy was already in a coma. Luckily, all ended well: doctors did wash, and then introduced to the patient a special water-sugar solution. As a result, five hours later the boy came to his senses - he stayed in the hospital a few more days and then safely returned to college.
via factroom.ru
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