In Germany and Canada made money order

Half of all countries engaged in the manufacture of its own currency, involving this third-party organizations: from 10% to 20% of the banknotes are printed by private enterprises. As a rule, it is a big job to find out who and where does the money for different countries - protection against counterfeiters is constantly increasing, and it allocates huge funds.
For example, private German companies producing paper money for 60 countries, and in Canada minted their coins 62 states. It offers third-party small countries usually resort to provide banknotes and coins the proper level of protection against counterfeiting, or, for example, to produce an unusually large number of them - in the absence of sufficient capacity is the whole problem.
Machines on which banknotes are made, must be certified by the Central Bank, which prints books, and the Central Bank, in turn, must be registered with the World Bank to have the right to order the release of the money. Even the head of state can not order a company that engaged in the production of banknotes, to print at least one bill - the right to it is only at the Central Bank.
via factroom.ru
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