20 facts about Germany

2) Now the Germans are very patient and tolerant as ever.
In Germany, there is a big problem with immigrants. Especially a lot of problems creating the Turks who do not want to integrate into European culture. They retain their language, their religion, their traditions. Often on the streets you can see women in hijabs, strolling with 3-7 children. These women do not work and do not learn German. Very often, the Turks living on social benefits for large families and the unemployed. Also in every city very many Turkish shops and stores where you need to be very careful - at every available opportunity cheated and deceived.
But despite all this the Germans remain calm. The problem is that they are simply afraid of accusations of Nazism and intolerance towards other peoples. They remember very well the history of the Second World War and, by the way, very ashamed and upset about this. Theme Hitler and the Nazis - a taboo subject, which is better not to touch when talking with the Germans. It is very unpleasant to them.
3) showing his emotions behind the wheel of other road users, you can get a rather big fine. For example, showing a middle finger you can lose up to 4,000 euros! Twisting his temple - up to 1000 euros. Tongue - up to 300 euros. Waving his hand in the face - up to 350 euros. By the way, the sign "waving his hand in the face," which we do not have means to say about someone or something "dumb, stupid, does not think" and so on.
4) to have a dog in Germany, as well as to swear at the wheel - very expensive. Here there are dog taxes. For example, in the city of Mainz, having a dog, you are obliged to pay a tax of 220 euros per year. Just like that, for nothing in the coffers of the city. With this money, the city is building a nursery.
For all owners of dogs are obliged to clean up. If, for example, do not remove the poop pet a baby or the playground, then it is possible to obtain a fine of 250 euros.
All dogs must have an electronic chip, which is sewed them into the withers. The chip-coded name of the owner. If, for example, your dog will cause an accident, or did you turn her out on the street: These actions will not go unnoticed. Of course, you will receive a penalty as soon as the dog will recognize the chip.
For this reason, Germany is simply unrealistic to pick up the dog from the street or find, as we have. In Germany, there is almost no stray dogs roaming the streets. For this reason, many Germans take dogs from kennels, nurseries often from other less developed countries. Pedigree dogs are very popular, even more popular than thoroughbred.
Very often in Germany can meet the homeless dogs. The reason is simple: German bums get extra money for the dogs.
5) In Germany, there is a tax on television and radio. For example, if you have a TV at home, then you should definitely pay this tax. Of course, do not pay it, you get a penalty.
6) When on the road in Germany car goes "emergency" with the included signals, all road users are leaving in different directions, stop, only to miss that car. This you will not see anywhere else, the spectacle is stunning, especially the Russian people. The reason is simple: Do not miss "ER" you risk to receive a huge fine, especially if it turns out that because of you car late to the patient.
7) A pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing can go really with my eyes closed. Motorists stopped already when he saw you from afar, even if you're not going to move.
8) The Germans for the most part law-abiding. There are so many "correct" the Germans, who, whenever possible, eager to instruct you on the right path. For example, notice that your dog is unable to make its case, or "squeal" on you if you do not go there threw garbage. About these people say the Germans «einen Stock im Arsch haben», which literally translates as "a stick in the ass" and means "to be too correct, pedantic, humorless."
9) The issue of registration and rent an apartment in Germany thoroughly thought out and works. It's very easy, removing the apartment immediately register it. This procedure is free and not time consuming. Money for the apartment listed on the card owner, and did you almost never see. Because it was such a system works so well, many Germans lived all his life in a rented apartment or a rented house. It is not considered to be something strange.
10) In Germany it is very common so-called "social hours". For example, if you were seen drunk driving, you do not just deprive the rights and impose a fine, but also make social work 50-500 hours, depending on the extent of your intoxication. These social hours most often work in state-owned enterprises and companies.
11) What is the French croissant, the Germans - pretzels. Pretzels, German pretzel, you can buy everywhere, on every corner, in every city. Germans often they snack or snack beer.
12) The German cuisine is very popular dessert. The Germans passionately prepared cakes and other sweets. Often on the street you can find a German with a pie in hands, it is taken to bring anything with you when you go for a visit.
13) The Germans love to decorate your home and garden. Personal space their home does not end at the door, they clean and decorate even further: in the garden, on the adjacent street. Because so nice to walk on the German towns and villages. This culture of "embellishment" is very well developed, can be found in supermarkets huge range of different decorations.
14) It is little known, but in the south-west of Germany developed wine is a very good wine.
15) For the Germans, the environment is very important. It permeated the entire life of the modern German: organic food, eco-friendly electricity, eco-transport, separation of garbage and so on.
16) In Germany, all you can drink water from the tap. Both cold and hot.
17) The Germans love to national holidays. There they all sing together, drink beer and, of course, eat sausages. In Germany, the very popular national costume. His clothes are often on holidays and carnivals, both men and women, both young and old.
18) Cigarettes are expensive in Germany. A pack of cigarettes for about 5 euros. So many people buy tobacco and "cool" cigarettes themselves. For thrown a cigarette butt on the asphalt - a fine of 25 euros.
19) Beer - cheap and tasty. You can drink on the street and in public places.
20) In Germany, virtually impossible to buy expired or spoiled food, except that in the Turkish shop.