The researchers explained why people buy all the small stuff for big money
The desire to make the expensive and senseless purchase is often overwhelming because both the logic and emotional evaluation occur in one part of the brain.
Catching neuroeconomics (assessment mechanism of things), the researchers found that processes emotional experiences and to determine values occur in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC).
Dr. Scott Hyuetl of the Center for Interdisciplinary Science at Duke University (North Carolina) argues: "In vmPFC is processed experiences like" is this thing with my hard-earned money. " This suggests that in the process of making a purchase involves emotions ».
Neurologist Amy Vaynhof, director of research, said: "Neurologically intuitive emotional desire similarly prudent assessment", and Dr. Hyuetl adds that a judgment about the meaning and emotional assessment previously considered by scientists as two separate processes, but it turned out that between them there is a direct link. < br />
According Hyuetl, the effect of emotional evaluation has long been used in advertising, but the mechanisms still were not entirely clear. Amy Vaynhof concludes: "When you buy something expensive, such as a car or home, it is useful to slightly temper his zeal».
via factroom.ru
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