How to determine the "male" have brain or "female"
You can have a brain "female type", being a man, and have a brain "male pattern", being zhenschinoy
Sit down for a minute. Relax. Join hands so that your fingers are intertwined - and not ponder that! Now look at your thumbs. Which of them was from the top - left or right? If you are a man, then it is likely that the top is left thumb. If you are a woman, then a finger, it is likely to be right. Now disconnect your hands, and look at your fingers, in particular, on the index and ring. In men, the ring finger is longer than the index. And women, these fingers are about the same length.
Ironically, our fingers - is the key to what is sometimes called a "brain sex". Of course, we all have different skills and different interests. Here are just a few of them are considered to be typically male, and more common among men, while the others are considered typically female.
Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, an expert on the brain, of Cambridge University, believes that the development of the brain affected by the level of testosterone during fetal development. A large number of testosterone leads to the development of a baby with a "male" type of brain (and by the way, no one still does not know why some mothers produce more testosterone than others). A glance at his own fingers, can indirectly evaluate how much testosterone you worked when you were in the womb.
Several studies show that the greater the difference in length between the ring and index finger, the more "masculine" is the human brain. Professor Baron-Cohen has been researching this issue because it is very interested in autism, which he describes as an extreme version of the "male" brain. He recently conducted a survey, during which tried to find out who is more tolerant to pain - men or women?
According to a survey it was found that women are considered more resistant to pain. Then the pain test was conducted in the laboratory, in which the subject's hand was immersed in a bucket of ice water, and then note the time during which the subject is suffering pain. It turned out that men almost always been "tolerant" of women. The scientist came to the conclusion that male and female brains work out the pain in different ways, and the differences in the ability to tolerate pain is a clear proof of that.
via factroom.ru

Sit down for a minute. Relax. Join hands so that your fingers are intertwined - and not ponder that! Now look at your thumbs. Which of them was from the top - left or right? If you are a man, then it is likely that the top is left thumb. If you are a woman, then a finger, it is likely to be right. Now disconnect your hands, and look at your fingers, in particular, on the index and ring. In men, the ring finger is longer than the index. And women, these fingers are about the same length.
Ironically, our fingers - is the key to what is sometimes called a "brain sex". Of course, we all have different skills and different interests. Here are just a few of them are considered to be typically male, and more common among men, while the others are considered typically female.

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, an expert on the brain, of Cambridge University, believes that the development of the brain affected by the level of testosterone during fetal development. A large number of testosterone leads to the development of a baby with a "male" type of brain (and by the way, no one still does not know why some mothers produce more testosterone than others). A glance at his own fingers, can indirectly evaluate how much testosterone you worked when you were in the womb.
Several studies show that the greater the difference in length between the ring and index finger, the more "masculine" is the human brain. Professor Baron-Cohen has been researching this issue because it is very interested in autism, which he describes as an extreme version of the "male" brain. He recently conducted a survey, during which tried to find out who is more tolerant to pain - men or women?
According to a survey it was found that women are considered more resistant to pain. Then the pain test was conducted in the laboratory, in which the subject's hand was immersed in a bucket of ice water, and then note the time during which the subject is suffering pain. It turned out that men almost always been "tolerant" of women. The scientist came to the conclusion that male and female brains work out the pain in different ways, and the differences in the ability to tolerate pain is a clear proof of that.
via factroom.ru