Experiment: a man drinking 10 cans of cola a day to prove its harmful

50-year-old George Pryor decided to show the world how much harmful for the human body can be Coca-Cola. He sat on a special "diet" in which every day to drink 10 cans per day for three mesyatsev.Eto 35 grams of sugar in the jar, that is, 350 grams of sugar daily, which is equivalent to 70 pieces of refined sugar. Perhaps needless to say that the results of this "diet" look very plachevno.

Before George with sturdy, now it has changed dramatically. His habit of absorbing cola "presented" belly man, he had lost some muscle mass, weight increased from 67 to 76 kg. Blood pressure also increased from 129/77 to 145/96, which is far from the normal 120 / 80.Vse these changes in his body significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. < George also said that addicted to drink, and fears that become addicted to Coca-Cola. It is struggling to stick to their normal paleodieta low-carbohydrate, lean meat, berries and vegetables. But he can not get rid of cravings for sweets, which covers his time on vremeni.Fakticheski, he can not eat the same amount of food as before. Because of cola drunk, he feels full, and at lunch, and after lunch. In addition, constantly drinking was "maddeningly hard work" because of constant visits to the toilet, and scattered everywhere banok.Osnovyvayas on personal results, George is now recommending people to control blood sugar in their diets.
«People need to know about real and strong impact sugar on their health. I spent this experiment is to encourage people to think and talk about how much sugar they consume, and how it is dangerous to their health ». Blockquote> Now, when everything is over, he says he would prefer never to do this again.
George - the father of two children, and he is particularly concerned, as excess sugar acts on them.«Children should not drink cola. Research shows that sugary drinks - the main cause of Type II diabetes, and the main cause of dental problems in children. It has been found that carbonated beverages provoked a whole epidemic of childhood obesity and lead to serious diseases such as cancer, stroke and heart disease. I think there are many people who suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular disease, are simply unaware that they can help themselves by simply ceasing to eat sugar ». Blockquote>
via factroom.ru