How to use dopamine for their own purposes
"Magic Wand" motivation that everyone has cheloveka
it believed that dopamine is directly linked to a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. But this is too narrow an understanding of this neurotransmitter. In fact, it is involved in a variety of processes occurring in the brain. Well, if you need some motivation, without dopamine here definitely not oboytis.1. The origin of the motivation is - in your goloveChtoby trace the source of motivation, let's look at the brain, neurotransmitters which form chemical messages that cause us to be focused and concentrate on any task. One of the specific neurotransmitter, plays a role in our motivation is dofamin.Himichesky dopamine signal is transmitted from neuron to neuron, interacting with different receptors at the synapse between neyronami.
This simple process is complicated by many times if present it on a scale mozga.Prosto think: there are the different types of receptors, neurons and pathways that can take advantage of neurotransmitters. And all instantly uslozhnyaetsya.Dlya motivation is very important which way the brain chooses dofamin.Nailuchshy way - mesolimbic. It goes through the whole brain, and affects a variety of its uchastki.Vazhnaya stop on the mesolimbic pathway - a so-called "nucleus accumbens". Due to the increasing levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens there is feedback, predicts the possibility of a fee. That is, the brain recognizes something important - good or bad - is sure to happen, and as a result encourages us deystvovat.2. Dopamine - is not only udovolstvieSvyazka "dopamine pleasure" appears in dozens of different studies and in the media. This reputation is deserved dopamine, because it's true. Dopamine - chemical mozga.No pleasure for pleasure - it is only the tip of the "iceberg of dopamine," and the effect of dopamine is not so limited. It affects motivation, memory, behavior, ability to learn, attention, sleep, nastroenie.Issledovat dopamine started with pleasure, but then the researchers began to notice a strange phenomenon. For example, they are seeing a surge of dopamine in the time of great stress. The level of dopamine increases the soldiers, when they hear gunshots. Stress and shooting - the phenomenon is not pleasant, however, dopamine is produced mnogo.Stalo clear that dopamine goes far beyond the pleasure, and may have a real effect of dopamine may be the motivation. Dopamine starts before we get some reward, which means that his real aim is to encourage us to act to achieve the objectives. Or to help avoid something plohogo.Issledovaniya confirm Us motivation to dopamine, and does it interesting sposobami.
Neuroscientist John Salamon conducted a study on rats, which offers a choice of two piles of food. One was in front of them, and second, the size of a double, was behind a low fence. Rats with low levels of dopamine are almost always walked along the path to easy, choose a small handful of food, and did not try to climb over the fence to get more voznagrazhdenie.V another study, a group of scientists compared the brains snap enterprising person with a brain slacker. The researchers found that those who are willing to work hard for a fee, there are high levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum - the two parts of the brain responsible for motivation and reward. And here at loafers dopamine present in the anterior insula region of the brain, an area responsible for emotions and perception riska.3. Is it possible to "hack" the motivation? What happens when you sit at the computer, trying to perform some task, but can not do anything for an hour? Maybe you - the idler, and genetically predisposed to it because of the low level of dopamine? Neobyazatelno.Mozg can be taught to generate bursts of dopamine. You create the right conditions for him this, and he does everything else. One way to do this is to set additional targets, according to the neurologist Judy Willis. In fact, all you have to do - is to 'reprogram' your brain to receive the dopamine response to the task for which you want to get voznagrazhdenie.
Just allow yourself to experience positive emotions when you see your progress in the implementation of a number of problems. Every time you successfully complete a certain intermediate stage, your brain will receive positive feedback, supporting your success that will provoke additional production dofamina.Dofamin biologically related to our motivation and achievement goals. If there is something that can be done to increase the flow of dopamine (such as the creation and consolidation of positive feedback through the gradual progress) -That's worth sdelat.Naryadu with this, we must make an effort. Sometimes the "cure for low motivation" can be used to perseverance, encouraging us to do even those things that we do not really hotim.4. And naposledokV next time you will experience a lack of motivation, try this: break the task that seems to you unaffordable for some small steps, and believe me: dopamine levels will grow from one stage to another as long as you're finally all is not finished.
via factroom.ru

it believed that dopamine is directly linked to a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. But this is too narrow an understanding of this neurotransmitter. In fact, it is involved in a variety of processes occurring in the brain. Well, if you need some motivation, without dopamine here definitely not oboytis.1. The origin of the motivation is - in your goloveChtoby trace the source of motivation, let's look at the brain, neurotransmitters which form chemical messages that cause us to be focused and concentrate on any task. One of the specific neurotransmitter, plays a role in our motivation is dofamin.Himichesky dopamine signal is transmitted from neuron to neuron, interacting with different receptors at the synapse between neyronami.

This simple process is complicated by many times if present it on a scale mozga.Prosto think: there are the different types of receptors, neurons and pathways that can take advantage of neurotransmitters. And all instantly uslozhnyaetsya.Dlya motivation is very important which way the brain chooses dofamin.Nailuchshy way - mesolimbic. It goes through the whole brain, and affects a variety of its uchastki.Vazhnaya stop on the mesolimbic pathway - a so-called "nucleus accumbens". Due to the increasing levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens there is feedback, predicts the possibility of a fee. That is, the brain recognizes something important - good or bad - is sure to happen, and as a result encourages us deystvovat.2. Dopamine - is not only udovolstvieSvyazka "dopamine pleasure" appears in dozens of different studies and in the media. This reputation is deserved dopamine, because it's true. Dopamine - chemical mozga.No pleasure for pleasure - it is only the tip of the "iceberg of dopamine," and the effect of dopamine is not so limited. It affects motivation, memory, behavior, ability to learn, attention, sleep, nastroenie.Issledovat dopamine started with pleasure, but then the researchers began to notice a strange phenomenon. For example, they are seeing a surge of dopamine in the time of great stress. The level of dopamine increases the soldiers, when they hear gunshots. Stress and shooting - the phenomenon is not pleasant, however, dopamine is produced mnogo.Stalo clear that dopamine goes far beyond the pleasure, and may have a real effect of dopamine may be the motivation. Dopamine starts before we get some reward, which means that his real aim is to encourage us to act to achieve the objectives. Or to help avoid something plohogo.Issledovaniya confirm Us motivation to dopamine, and does it interesting sposobami.

Neuroscientist John Salamon conducted a study on rats, which offers a choice of two piles of food. One was in front of them, and second, the size of a double, was behind a low fence. Rats with low levels of dopamine are almost always walked along the path to easy, choose a small handful of food, and did not try to climb over the fence to get more voznagrazhdenie.V another study, a group of scientists compared the brains snap enterprising person with a brain slacker. The researchers found that those who are willing to work hard for a fee, there are high levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum - the two parts of the brain responsible for motivation and reward. And here at loafers dopamine present in the anterior insula region of the brain, an area responsible for emotions and perception riska.3. Is it possible to "hack" the motivation? What happens when you sit at the computer, trying to perform some task, but can not do anything for an hour? Maybe you - the idler, and genetically predisposed to it because of the low level of dopamine? Neobyazatelno.Mozg can be taught to generate bursts of dopamine. You create the right conditions for him this, and he does everything else. One way to do this is to set additional targets, according to the neurologist Judy Willis. In fact, all you have to do - is to 'reprogram' your brain to receive the dopamine response to the task for which you want to get voznagrazhdenie.

Just allow yourself to experience positive emotions when you see your progress in the implementation of a number of problems. Every time you successfully complete a certain intermediate stage, your brain will receive positive feedback, supporting your success that will provoke additional production dofamina.Dofamin biologically related to our motivation and achievement goals. If there is something that can be done to increase the flow of dopamine (such as the creation and consolidation of positive feedback through the gradual progress) -That's worth sdelat.Naryadu with this, we must make an effort. Sometimes the "cure for low motivation" can be used to perseverance, encouraging us to do even those things that we do not really hotim.4. And naposledokV next time you will experience a lack of motivation, try this: break the task that seems to you unaffordable for some small steps, and believe me: dopamine levels will grow from one stage to another as long as you're finally all is not finished.
via factroom.ru
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