Meet - Cat, who earns a lot more for you!
On the Internet this cat became popular in 2012, when her mistress Tamata Bandesen it posted photos online. She became a popular meme "Grumpy Cat", and soon it turned into a single image of the brand with books, magazines, films, souvenirs and other products. All thanks to the fact that she has a very, very, very angry face!
So attention, in 2012, she earned ... $ 100, 000, 000! And no, I was not mistaken in the zeros. $ 100 million ! I do not know about you, but I went to look for a new cat because my wages instead brings some losses!
So attention, in 2012, she earned ... $ 100, 000, 000! And no, I was not mistaken in the zeros. $ 100 million ! I do not know about you, but I went to look for a new cat because my wages instead brings some losses!

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