This will not learn in driving school! 12 exclusive advice to all drivers

1. You are standing at the turn to the left, counter-miss cars. Do not remove the advance wheel to the left. Strike back and you're dead under the counter wagon. The steering wheel should be kept just right.
2. Making chess overtaking and wedging into the stream, extinguish speed of the oncoming lane. One of the most common mistakes - when overtaking column at considerable speed, the driver, seeing that does not have time, start cutting into your lane, and at the same time very slow.
3. Be careful when passing the long corners at the inner radius (for you internally to counter external). If the counter vehicle traveling on the outer radius will begin to skid, it does not go into the ditch, and in 90% of cases, you will fly in the forehead. Mistakenly more afraid of oncoming vehicles traveling on the inner radius - usually their ends on the side of a skid.
4. You grabbed the roadside or snow Brewster left (for example, near a separation in the prospectus) or right (curb) - Kill a instinct to pull the steering wheel in the opposite direction. Stranglehold steering, without changing the position of the feet on the gas pedal, compensate pulling to one side. Auto will lose speed and will return to the road. Do not try, by all means, seek the road, you snapped in the opposite direction.
5. Always leave a fallback. For example, overtaking in doubt, just take the exit on the "oncoming", and trudge back until you're 100% sure that you can overtake. And if that return to your lane.
6. If you can see that the oncoming vehicle does not have time to overtake, turn right "turn signal" and pressed against the side of the road ADVANCE. Do not blink lights, there may be a novice driver, who immediately puzzled.
7. If the car blows / pushes, act firmly and smoothly, with no fuss. The process does not develop instantly and accordingly does not like sudden and convulsive movements. Desperate situations, only one - a skid on the front drive downhill, in all other cases, can be corrected.
8. Do not rely on a system of exchange rate stabilization in the rain. If failure happens, and you will float (aquaplaning effect), the system will help you. It is trite "does not understand" what is happening.
9. If the machine "antibuks" is not tied to a single button ESP, then turn it off. It is always bad (in monoprivode). Especially if you will be going to rush to the start of a sharp intersection. Start will be not so sharp.
10. You're flying, on the left row, and on the right are all slowly or go? They miss pedestrian. And you keep going, he was happy to break your head your windshield ...
11. Frequent phenomenon - the animals are on the road or unexpected obstacles in the form of wheels, bags, etc. Keep cool. Before save psinka, be sure not to "ushataete" a couple of columns, an adjacent car and a pedestrian on the roadside.
12. The cause of most accidents - speed. There are no accidents, about which we can not say - "Damn, went to a little slower, and nothing would have happened!»
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