23 Fun Soviet tomboy That today's youth will never understand!
Do today's children have everything. No, I'm not complaining that we had nothing, or was, but not all. Just now, children have the opportunity to develop at an early age with the help of computer technology and other trendy gadgets. On the one hand it's good, but on the other - they will never know how the imagination of the Soviet child who was bored sitting at home.
Today we offer recall, and someone, perhaps for the first time to learn how Soviet children entertained.
1. Fixing
First of all I want to remind (especially those who have not passed the test above) that some of the proposed entertainment - it's pure hooliganism, and even unsafe. So, what to do with dowels. In the first place it was necessary to make a hole in the asphalt. There crumbled sulfur from the matches, which could be bought for one penny. Then plug inserted and threw a brick on top. I get a small explosion that left a hole in the pavement.
2. Squirtwoman
In people, it is called "sikalka." It was a simple analog of expensive water pistol. Produce very easy. We need to cover out of shampoo bottles to make a hole. To do this, we use the red-hot nail. Then there was inserted into the body of a ballpoint pen without a rod and sealed it all with plasticine. In general, the melee weapon is ready. Only need to fill it with water.
3. Slingshots
For the production of the classic slingshot had to find a piece of stout hazel with a fork, over the counter and gray jute, knocking everything on someone from the younger, cut a piece of skin from the travel bag. Everything is held together with wire or tape. As the shells used small stones or berries. Good slingshot was valuable currency, because not everyone can afford to do so. It can be exchanged, for example, not less valuable, inserts of gum.
4. Darts
In Soviet times, too, they played darts. That's just buy darts was impossible, or they cost very expensive. Therefore, they have done from his own matches, paper and needles. They fly and stuck better than factory. The target - a piece of paper, which is attached to the carpet.
5. Knife
The guys at the time were folding knives, which are carefully hiding from Mom. They were used for playing "knives". Rules in every yard had its own. The main thing that it was necessary to throw a knife so that he was stuck in the sand or earth.
6. Boomerang
It is now in the shops, you can easily buy boomerangs. Then they were made independently, using two lines and electrical tape. A couple of the blade is curved slightly. Some turned out to make sure that the boomerang did return. Basically, they were used to frighten birds, or simply start from the ninth floor.
7. Dymovushki
Dymovuhu were a special kind of hooliganism. We had to take a piece of plastic (toys, hairbrush or a tennis ball), wrap it in paper or foil and set fire to put out and throw someone, for example, in the garage. Shouts and laughter uncles brats were provided.
8. Plevatelnye tube
More common in the villages, where they are often made from plants. The city plevatelnye tube greatly appreciated, because made of metal, and it was difficult to find such. As the shells used clay that naleplivali the very tube and pinch off before the shot. Later they began to use, such as mountain ash, or some cereal.
9. Porohovushki
This entertainment was not available to all. But if you managed to get a tubular powder, the fun was guaranteed. It could, for example, wrap in foil and set on fire. So I get a small rocket.
10. Carbide
Another joy of the boys. Carbide reacts with water, allocates acetylene which burns well. This feature is used to "ignite the puddles." Another could be to warm their hands, holding it carbide, and lowered it into the water. The greatest joy was thought to make the gun carbide. Prank was quite dangerous. I personally know people who have lifelong scars from burns received after these games.
11. Lead
Entertainment with the lead often spend the whole day. First, it was necessary for a long time to scour along the garages and avtosvalok in search of old batteries. Then get the lead, which crumbled into cans. At stake is a soft metal melted, well after doing everything your heart desires: toys, key chains, brass knuckles ... By the way, is also unsafe entertainment pairs of lead can be poisoned.
12. Magnesium
Magnesium was pulverized with a file. Then it was necessary to mix it with potassium permanganate (worth a penny at the pharmacy) in certain proportions. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a paper bag and taping, leaving a small hole where the match was inserted so that the head was right in the hole. Then it was necessary to set fire to a match and discard the packet. It exploded with a beautiful flash.
13. Crossbow or Pugach
They were collected from a simple stick or clothespins. Shells - burning matches.
14. Slate in the fire
If someone does not know, slate, thrown into the fire, shoot. And shoot it in chunks, throwing himself into the fire side. Sometimes, the original fire had no choice. It's all a lot of fun.
16. Lamps and kinescopes
Fluorescent thrown butt broke with a loud bang. About ecology nobody thought. But in the picture tube had to fight off the beam gun, which was on top. Due to the vacuum inside the CRT published dull, but very loud bang.
17. Cartridges for siphon
It was probably the most dangerous invention yard boys. The balloon used to siphon crumbled sulfur from the matches and closed its bolt. After this infernal device had to be thrown into the fire. Heard about kaletstvah and even deaths occurred as a result of such experiments.
18. Sleeves and cartridges building
That just did not throw into the fire. Including sleeve, filled with sulfur gasoline or lighter construction or cartridges.
19. The pistons
Some guys have guns that fired such pistons. But you could still strike sharply at him with something sharp and watch as they ignite. And if you hit the hammer on the roll of caps, the 10-minute tinnitus guaranteed.
20. Gun diskomet
It was a legal gun factory. Shot with special plastic discs. He is acting on a meter. When the plastic shells ended, they were replaced by the appropriate diameter of the coin. It decreased range shot, but the effect when fired at close range increased.
21. Capacitors
Capacitive capacitors were charged from conventional TV outlets, and used as a stun gun on friends.
22. Peace Activities
Of course, peace is also missing entertainment. But the highlight is platting of telephone cable and collecting beetles. The latter were separated by color heads at work (black), firefighters (red) and guards (green).
23. Bonfire
A magnifying glass could light a fire in the sun. Curious with it considering various beetles.
It was not hard to find a match, and that's not always the boxes. Such Cherkashov attached to the end of the shoe in different ways. The main thing is that my mother did not notice, but it will have to update.
Now we understand that these are not fun for a no good, but then we talked about this very thought. It was a carefree adolescence, when does not have to think about the future.
Today we offer recall, and someone, perhaps for the first time to learn how Soviet children entertained.
1. Fixing
First of all I want to remind (especially those who have not passed the test above) that some of the proposed entertainment - it's pure hooliganism, and even unsafe. So, what to do with dowels. In the first place it was necessary to make a hole in the asphalt. There crumbled sulfur from the matches, which could be bought for one penny. Then plug inserted and threw a brick on top. I get a small explosion that left a hole in the pavement.

2. Squirtwoman
In people, it is called "sikalka." It was a simple analog of expensive water pistol. Produce very easy. We need to cover out of shampoo bottles to make a hole. To do this, we use the red-hot nail. Then there was inserted into the body of a ballpoint pen without a rod and sealed it all with plasticine. In general, the melee weapon is ready. Only need to fill it with water.

3. Slingshots
For the production of the classic slingshot had to find a piece of stout hazel with a fork, over the counter and gray jute, knocking everything on someone from the younger, cut a piece of skin from the travel bag. Everything is held together with wire or tape. As the shells used small stones or berries. Good slingshot was valuable currency, because not everyone can afford to do so. It can be exchanged, for example, not less valuable, inserts of gum.

4. Darts
In Soviet times, too, they played darts. That's just buy darts was impossible, or they cost very expensive. Therefore, they have done from his own matches, paper and needles. They fly and stuck better than factory. The target - a piece of paper, which is attached to the carpet.

5. Knife
The guys at the time were folding knives, which are carefully hiding from Mom. They were used for playing "knives". Rules in every yard had its own. The main thing that it was necessary to throw a knife so that he was stuck in the sand or earth.

6. Boomerang
It is now in the shops, you can easily buy boomerangs. Then they were made independently, using two lines and electrical tape. A couple of the blade is curved slightly. Some turned out to make sure that the boomerang did return. Basically, they were used to frighten birds, or simply start from the ninth floor.

7. Dymovushki
Dymovuhu were a special kind of hooliganism. We had to take a piece of plastic (toys, hairbrush or a tennis ball), wrap it in paper or foil and set fire to put out and throw someone, for example, in the garage. Shouts and laughter uncles brats were provided.

8. Plevatelnye tube
More common in the villages, where they are often made from plants. The city plevatelnye tube greatly appreciated, because made of metal, and it was difficult to find such. As the shells used clay that naleplivali the very tube and pinch off before the shot. Later they began to use, such as mountain ash, or some cereal.

9. Porohovushki
This entertainment was not available to all. But if you managed to get a tubular powder, the fun was guaranteed. It could, for example, wrap in foil and set on fire. So I get a small rocket.

10. Carbide
Another joy of the boys. Carbide reacts with water, allocates acetylene which burns well. This feature is used to "ignite the puddles." Another could be to warm their hands, holding it carbide, and lowered it into the water. The greatest joy was thought to make the gun carbide. Prank was quite dangerous. I personally know people who have lifelong scars from burns received after these games.

11. Lead
Entertainment with the lead often spend the whole day. First, it was necessary for a long time to scour along the garages and avtosvalok in search of old batteries. Then get the lead, which crumbled into cans. At stake is a soft metal melted, well after doing everything your heart desires: toys, key chains, brass knuckles ... By the way, is also unsafe entertainment pairs of lead can be poisoned.

12. Magnesium
Magnesium was pulverized with a file. Then it was necessary to mix it with potassium permanganate (worth a penny at the pharmacy) in certain proportions. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a paper bag and taping, leaving a small hole where the match was inserted so that the head was right in the hole. Then it was necessary to set fire to a match and discard the packet. It exploded with a beautiful flash.

13. Crossbow or Pugach
They were collected from a simple stick or clothespins. Shells - burning matches.

14. Slate in the fire
If someone does not know, slate, thrown into the fire, shoot. And shoot it in chunks, throwing himself into the fire side. Sometimes, the original fire had no choice. It's all a lot of fun.

16. Lamps and kinescopes
Fluorescent thrown butt broke with a loud bang. About ecology nobody thought. But in the picture tube had to fight off the beam gun, which was on top. Due to the vacuum inside the CRT published dull, but very loud bang.

17. Cartridges for siphon
It was probably the most dangerous invention yard boys. The balloon used to siphon crumbled sulfur from the matches and closed its bolt. After this infernal device had to be thrown into the fire. Heard about kaletstvah and even deaths occurred as a result of such experiments.

18. Sleeves and cartridges building
That just did not throw into the fire. Including sleeve, filled with sulfur gasoline or lighter construction or cartridges.

19. The pistons
Some guys have guns that fired such pistons. But you could still strike sharply at him with something sharp and watch as they ignite. And if you hit the hammer on the roll of caps, the 10-minute tinnitus guaranteed.

20. Gun diskomet
It was a legal gun factory. Shot with special plastic discs. He is acting on a meter. When the plastic shells ended, they were replaced by the appropriate diameter of the coin. It decreased range shot, but the effect when fired at close range increased.

21. Capacitors
Capacitive capacitors were charged from conventional TV outlets, and used as a stun gun on friends.

22. Peace Activities
Of course, peace is also missing entertainment. But the highlight is platting of telephone cable and collecting beetles. The latter were separated by color heads at work (black), firefighters (red) and guards (green).

23. Bonfire
A magnifying glass could light a fire in the sun. Curious with it considering various beetles.

It was not hard to find a match, and that's not always the boxes. Such Cherkashov attached to the end of the shoe in different ways. The main thing is that my mother did not notice, but it will have to update.

Now we understand that these are not fun for a no good, but then we talked about this very thought. It was a carefree adolescence, when does not have to think about the future.
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