Why young people are not in a hurry to buy apartments and cars and no longer consider it an indicator of success
It so happened that people of middle and old age always look at young people with some condemnation. And invariably you can hear that before the youth were more serious, purposeful, hardworking and simply better. But how true is that? And whether youth in modern society Another and totally different view of the world?
Various studies and surveys demonstrate that today’s young people really measure success differently. If before the apartment and car were a must for almost any person, today the situation has changed. Young people are in no hurry to make such expensive purchases.
This is not about income levels. In the US, millennials (those in their 30s and 35s) are already openly called the generation of renters. That’s because these people are more willing to rent housing, cars, and even appliances or furniture than decide to buy it forever (or even more so to borrow).
What happened? A number of experts attribute this to the fact that in recent years financial crises occur more often, and such a bad experience simply deters young people from investing all their money in one object. And especially not want to get into big loans that will have to pay for many years.
But it seems more likely that young people simply don’t see the world the way their fathers and grandfathers did. Young people do not want prosperity or stability, so they are in no hurry to accumulate the usual values. But almost everyone wants financial independence, flexible working hours, freedom of movement and the ability to change their place of residence at any time.
Why own a car when you can rent any transport for reasonable money? Yes, and using taxi services sometimes becomes even more profitable than servicing your own car.
Why buy a house to invest all the money (and even tie yourself up with a loan)? Why? After all, you can rent a house anywhere in the world through one of the many modern services. You never know how much you want to live in this place.
On average, a young American changes jobs every three years. And renting a house in this case is very convenient. After all, when changing jobs, you can always find an apartment or a house that is located in the right part of the city.
Acquiring experience and experiences brings a young person more joy than buying things. Even the worst experience turns into a great story. And young people are much more interested in hearing how cool their interlocutor spent the weekend in another country, rather than what plumbing he chooses for his new apartment.
Young people prefer lessen. For example, owning your own car only adds to the anxiety. You look out the window every time someone's alarm goes off. A house with the most modern technology can also be cleaned at any time. And even expensive TV can fail just after the end of the warranty period. Some disorders...
It is worth considering that in our time there are more opportunities for entertainment, travel, work and business. Therefore, young people simply want to seize more of these opportunities, want to see a lot and try a lot. Can they be blamed for that?

Various studies and surveys demonstrate that today’s young people really measure success differently. If before the apartment and car were a must for almost any person, today the situation has changed. Young people are in no hurry to make such expensive purchases.

This is not about income levels. In the US, millennials (those in their 30s and 35s) are already openly called the generation of renters. That’s because these people are more willing to rent housing, cars, and even appliances or furniture than decide to buy it forever (or even more so to borrow).
What happened? A number of experts attribute this to the fact that in recent years financial crises occur more often, and such a bad experience simply deters young people from investing all their money in one object. And especially not want to get into big loans that will have to pay for many years.

But it seems more likely that young people simply don’t see the world the way their fathers and grandfathers did. Young people do not want prosperity or stability, so they are in no hurry to accumulate the usual values. But almost everyone wants financial independence, flexible working hours, freedom of movement and the ability to change their place of residence at any time.
Why own a car when you can rent any transport for reasonable money? Yes, and using taxi services sometimes becomes even more profitable than servicing your own car.

Why buy a house to invest all the money (and even tie yourself up with a loan)? Why? After all, you can rent a house anywhere in the world through one of the many modern services. You never know how much you want to live in this place.
On average, a young American changes jobs every three years. And renting a house in this case is very convenient. After all, when changing jobs, you can always find an apartment or a house that is located in the right part of the city.

Acquiring experience and experiences brings a young person more joy than buying things. Even the worst experience turns into a great story. And young people are much more interested in hearing how cool their interlocutor spent the weekend in another country, rather than what plumbing he chooses for his new apartment.
Young people prefer lessen. For example, owning your own car only adds to the anxiety. You look out the window every time someone's alarm goes off. A house with the most modern technology can also be cleaned at any time. And even expensive TV can fail just after the end of the warranty period. Some disorders...

It is worth considering that in our time there are more opportunities for entertainment, travel, work and business. Therefore, young people simply want to seize more of these opportunities, want to see a lot and try a lot. Can they be blamed for that?
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