Secrets of rapid learning of foreign languages. I learned French in just 17 days!
You also do not know which side to approach the study of a foreign language? Fabulous, unique experience of David Bailey, who learned the French language in 17 days, will be a real discovery for you. After reading this article, you will realize that learning a foreign language is easier than you thought. Terms of learning another language, dictated in our schools - not effective. Meet the new methods by which to master another language easier and more interesting.
Here is what the Daily about his experience:
« I've learned a few foreign languages, as an adult. Of course, to learn French in 17 days - it sounds fantastic, but I had a good base. I already knew Spanish and could speak it fluently enough, that is French - not my first foreign language. Em>
In the summer of 2005, I went to the French village Bdzhola, there lived a friend of mine. Knowing about my ambitious goal to learn the language, she refused to speak to me in English. So I plunged into the French conversational environment. Em>
Every day was marked by my exercises, which brings me to the dream to speak French. em>
This morning I woke up and write by hand table of French verbs. I am convinced that when you record something on paper, it is remembered best. Em>
After the written part of the lesson, I was listening to learning audio
now - non-standard part of my experience. I discovered the music as a source of learning the correct pronunciation of French words. Music - is a great way to learn the language and tone to teach facial muscles to say everything as a true Frenchman. About an hour I sang French songs with artists is also so cheers me up! Em>
For dinner I listen live French speech of his friends, to understand them at first it was quite difficult. But I quickly became involved and was so happy when I was able to understand them and even respond using their own language! Em>
In the afternoon I have a good time with new friends, playing darts or outdoor games, or read «Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in English. Why this book? It is written for children, so - simple and understandable language. When you teach a foreign language, read children's books , he says - a good idea, see you do not notice how you teach new words in the process of reading. Em>
A good exercise would also writing short stories currently. When meeting new people, they inevitably ask the same question: "Who are you?", "How come?", "What are you keen on?". Having harvested the answers to such questions - wonderful, in addition, I was pleased to realize that many have already learned, and I can write a passable story about yourself in the language seemed so complicated. My French friend helped me fix the mistakes I admit in writing. Em>
in conversation I found useful loophole that helped me a lot. When people communicate, they often inserted between sentences design , which does not mean anything. However, they help to gain time to find the right words in his head and say something important. Em>
After those 17 days of intensive training, I left the village and went to Paris. In the cafe I met a girl and talk to her. To my surprise there was no limit, when she asked me how old I live in France. I swore that teaching language only 17 days! Em> »
Wow! It turns out, perhaps as quickly master a foreign language, it is only necessary to create favorable conditions for this.
Surely you found something useful in the story of this man. Share this article with similar astonishing, because the study of foreign languages as necessary for all today!
via takprosto cc

Here is what the Daily about his experience:
« I've learned a few foreign languages, as an adult. Of course, to learn French in 17 days - it sounds fantastic, but I had a good base. I already knew Spanish and could speak it fluently enough, that is French - not my first foreign language. Em>
In the summer of 2005, I went to the French village Bdzhola, there lived a friend of mine. Knowing about my ambitious goal to learn the language, she refused to speak to me in English. So I plunged into the French conversational environment. Em>
Every day was marked by my exercises, which brings me to the dream to speak French. em>
This morning I woke up and write by hand table of French verbs. I am convinced that when you record something on paper, it is remembered best. Em>
After the written part of the lesson, I was listening to learning audio
now - non-standard part of my experience. I discovered the music as a source of learning the correct pronunciation of French words. Music - is a great way to learn the language and tone to teach facial muscles to say everything as a true Frenchman. About an hour I sang French songs with artists is also so cheers me up! Em>
For dinner I listen live French speech of his friends, to understand them at first it was quite difficult. But I quickly became involved and was so happy when I was able to understand them and even respond using their own language! Em>
In the afternoon I have a good time with new friends, playing darts or outdoor games, or read «Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in English. Why this book? It is written for children, so - simple and understandable language. When you teach a foreign language, read children's books , he says - a good idea, see you do not notice how you teach new words in the process of reading. Em>
A good exercise would also writing short stories currently. When meeting new people, they inevitably ask the same question: "Who are you?", "How come?", "What are you keen on?". Having harvested the answers to such questions - wonderful, in addition, I was pleased to realize that many have already learned, and I can write a passable story about yourself in the language seemed so complicated. My French friend helped me fix the mistakes I admit in writing. Em>
in conversation I found useful loophole that helped me a lot. When people communicate, they often inserted between sentences design , which does not mean anything. However, they help to gain time to find the right words in his head and say something important. Em>
After those 17 days of intensive training, I left the village and went to Paris. In the cafe I met a girl and talk to her. To my surprise there was no limit, when she asked me how old I live in France. I swore that teaching language only 17 days! Em> »
Wow! It turns out, perhaps as quickly master a foreign language, it is only necessary to create favorable conditions for this.
Surely you found something useful in the story of this man. Share this article with similar astonishing, because the study of foreign languages as necessary for all today!
via takprosto cc
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