In secret from the Uzbek grandmother's tips for making insanely delicious pilaf!
There are many recipes that all the familiar dishes. Today, I shall reveal to you all the secrets of cooking this Uzbek pilaf. Prepared in a manner familiar to us the dish is incredibly flavorful and delicious.
To prepare pilaf you need:
To prepare pilaf you need:
- Figure
- onion
- Carrots
- Beef
- salt
1. Start standing with a bow. Cut it into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
2. Then add the pre-cut into large chunks of beef.
3. To add the meat with onions carrots. Carrots should be cut into large bars. Season with salt and well roasted.
4. Fill the onions, beef and carrots boiled water to cover these ingredients a few centimeters. Next zirvak cook over moderate heat. Zirvak - a broth, which we have just prepared. The longer it cook the pilaf is fragrant.
5. It's time the most important component. Rice is to choose durum, you can take dlinnozernovoy. It must be good to sort and wash, soaking is not necessary.
6. Be sure to try zirvak before adding rice. The salts should be larger than necessary for normal soup. It is better to overdo, because the rice will absorb the salt anyway, otherwise pilaf is insipid.
7. Now add in zirvak rice and evenly pour the boiling water. It should cover the rice by a few centimeters. We are making the fire a little more and look forward to when the rice will absorb the water. Then make holes in the rice to the bottom proved to zirvak not burnt. Watch content in these holes and occasionally pierces them again. When the liquid in the holes will gleam, it is time to reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid pilaf.
8. Next, pinpoint 20 minutes, turn, stir and leave for another 10 minutes.
Pilaf is ready!
There are some very important secrets to prepare delicious Uzbek pilaf:
- Carrots in any case not rub, it should be cut large enough chunks.
- It is best to cook pilaf use a cast-iron kettle.
- Salt and spices should be added in the middle of cooking zirvak.
- While cooking rice can not stir, and cover the same in any case can not be opened prematurely.
- If you give afloat infusion of 30 minutes, it will be even tastier. < /
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