The horrifying facts about carbonated beverages. You're surprised to know that they have to do with you!
Everyone knows that drinking fizzy, sugary drinks - very harmful. And why? Maybe the damage is not as great as we are told? Read this article and make personal conclusions about whether or not to use soda. Choose your ...
In the first 10 minutes , after you drink a bottle of soda: the body goes 10 teaspoons of sugar (the maximum recommended daily dose). At this moment, you are not sick from the excess sugar, because the phosphoric acid contained in the sweet water, blunts excessive sweetness, allowing the sugar to assimilate.
After 20 minutes: blood sugar levels rise, resulting in the release of insulin. The liver reacts to this by converting sugar into fat.
After 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Dilated pupils, increase blood pressure, the liver starts to throw more sugar into the blood. The adenosine receptors in the brain are blocked, preventing drowsiness.
After 45 minutes: will increase production of dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. The same principle is valid heroin ...
An hour later: phosphoric acid will bind calcium, magnesium and zinc in the intestine, increasing metabolism. Increase the excretion of calcium in the urine.
More than an hour later: will enter into force diuretic effect of caffeine, there will need to go to the toilet. The display will calcium, magnesium and zinc that are necessary for the bones, as well as sodium, electrolyte and water. You become irritable or lethargic.
Do you really want to be with you all this happened? So much harm a few sips ... I think, for this dubious pleasure is not worth paying such a high price. You should not be a hypocrite, one bottle every few months - it does not matter. But scary for the people who daily drink these sodas. Is not it better to replace them with tea, fruit juice, water with lemon and ice?
If among your friends are fans of carbonated drinks - always show them this article. Share the information with all, saving the health of loved ones! Let the fans will be less soda.
via takprosto cc
In the first 10 minutes , after you drink a bottle of soda: the body goes 10 teaspoons of sugar (the maximum recommended daily dose). At this moment, you are not sick from the excess sugar, because the phosphoric acid contained in the sweet water, blunts excessive sweetness, allowing the sugar to assimilate.
After 20 minutes: blood sugar levels rise, resulting in the release of insulin. The liver reacts to this by converting sugar into fat.
After 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Dilated pupils, increase blood pressure, the liver starts to throw more sugar into the blood. The adenosine receptors in the brain are blocked, preventing drowsiness.
After 45 minutes: will increase production of dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. The same principle is valid heroin ...
An hour later: phosphoric acid will bind calcium, magnesium and zinc in the intestine, increasing metabolism. Increase the excretion of calcium in the urine.
More than an hour later: will enter into force diuretic effect of caffeine, there will need to go to the toilet. The display will calcium, magnesium and zinc that are necessary for the bones, as well as sodium, electrolyte and water. You become irritable or lethargic.
Do you really want to be with you all this happened? So much harm a few sips ... I think, for this dubious pleasure is not worth paying such a high price. You should not be a hypocrite, one bottle every few months - it does not matter. But scary for the people who daily drink these sodas. Is not it better to replace them with tea, fruit juice, water with lemon and ice?
If among your friends are fans of carbonated drinks - always show them this article. Share the information with all, saving the health of loved ones! Let the fans will be less soda.
via takprosto cc
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