The bitter truth about sweet drinks. Say goodbye to her, if you want to be healthy!
Many people know that carbonated drinks are very harmful for the body, but do not even represent how much. High sugar content in them gives the body a quick burst of energy and euphoria. Therefore, they want to drink again. But the use of these drinks cause serious consequences. Below we look at how soda affects human organs.
Soda with high sugar content triggers a slowdown of the brain and affects a number of neurological processes, especially for memory. Numerous studies have shown that consumption of carbonated beverages alters the structure of the more than one hundred proteins that make up the nervous tissue of the brain. Similar changes occur in the neurons in Alzheimer's disease.
A person who drinks a soda every day, are at risk of serdcheno disease three times. According to the authors, the cause of such effects is sugar, which is contained in the beverage in large quantities. The constant use of soda effect on blood pressure and heart function, also increases the risk of heart attack by 20%.
Scientists have linked chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with abuse of carbonated beverages.
Sweet drinks destroy tooth enamel, which eventually leads to tooth decay. They also lowers the pH of saliva and provoke bacterial proliferation and tooth decay. Diet drinks are no exception.
Aeration causes bone loss and reduces their density. Scientists from Germany have shown that caffeinated beverages harm the skeleton. The bones of people, often drinking sugary soft drinks, there is a low mineral content, strengthening the skeleton.
The reproductive organs
In some carbonated beverages contain bisphenol A, which is a carcinogen. He is also associated with precocious puberty and infertility.
Also, carbonated drinks cause obesity, diabetes, increase the likelihood of kidney failure, exacerbate bladder infections, and so on. Get rid of the bad habit to drink soda, take care of their health.
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Soda with high sugar content triggers a slowdown of the brain and affects a number of neurological processes, especially for memory. Numerous studies have shown that consumption of carbonated beverages alters the structure of the more than one hundred proteins that make up the nervous tissue of the brain. Similar changes occur in the neurons in Alzheimer's disease.
A person who drinks a soda every day, are at risk of serdcheno disease three times. According to the authors, the cause of such effects is sugar, which is contained in the beverage in large quantities. The constant use of soda effect on blood pressure and heart function, also increases the risk of heart attack by 20%.
Scientists have linked chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with abuse of carbonated beverages.
Sweet drinks destroy tooth enamel, which eventually leads to tooth decay. They also lowers the pH of saliva and provoke bacterial proliferation and tooth decay. Diet drinks are no exception.
Aeration causes bone loss and reduces their density. Scientists from Germany have shown that caffeinated beverages harm the skeleton. The bones of people, often drinking sugary soft drinks, there is a low mineral content, strengthening the skeleton.
The reproductive organs
In some carbonated beverages contain bisphenol A, which is a carcinogen. He is also associated with precocious puberty and infertility.
Also, carbonated drinks cause obesity, diabetes, increase the likelihood of kidney failure, exacerbate bladder infections, and so on. Get rid of the bad habit to drink soda, take care of their health.
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