Energize better coffee! A simple recipe for making homemade ginger ale.
This drink is not only excellent taste but also a variety of medicinal properties. Indeed, in its composition - ginger, a plant which is known for its beneficial effects on the body. Ginger ale is the perfect remedy for indigestion, helps with colds and flu, relieves nausea, increases appetite. Ginger has anti-microbial action, so at the first sign sore throat to drink this drink - a disease go away, and before it began.
To prepare such an unusual, fragrant and very useful drink at home is a snap. After spending your time on it, you will be satisfied with the result in the highest degree. Ginger root is now commercially available, even in the winter. For this recipe need not pressed root, namely fresh.
Ingredients for ginger ale:
To prepare such an unusual, fragrant and very useful drink at home is a snap. After spending your time on it, you will be satisfied with the result in the highest degree. Ginger root is now commercially available, even in the winter. For this recipe need not pressed root, namely fresh.
Ingredients for ginger ale:
- 4 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger root
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons of honey (someone loves sweeter - you can sugar)
- carbonated mineral water (if desired, the usual is also nice)
In a medium saucepan combine the water and ginger over high heat. When boiling reduce the heat to medium-low, cover and carcass for one hour. Remove the lid and continue to cook for another 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and Get out of the water cooked slices of ginger. Add lemon and honey, all mixed up. When the drink has cooled down a bit, and configure themselves - it is ready! With a cold and you can drink it hot, cold, he warms up well. In the hot season, as a cooling drink ginger ale is good with chunks of ice and soda.
Taste and smell of ginger - charming. On the children's holiday is an excellent substitute ginger miracle sodas, which harm is obvious. Try to prepare a drink again, and you want more!
Do not delay and show your friends this recipe wonderful drink. Gone with family the best information!
via takprosto cc
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