Good news! It turns out that co-sleeping is incredibly good for your health ...

Science revealed the cause of a bad mood in the morning at the lonely people: It's because they sleep alone. Hence, depression, constant frustration and lack of sense of security. Sleeping with a partner in one bed very good for your health, so if you're still single, right now you realize the need for change in your life.

Generally, people who live together with someone, have better health and live longer than single people their age. Sleeping in the same bed with a partner reduces the amount of the hormone cortisol in the blood. This - a stress hormone that is produced during the defense reactions. Excess cortisol can lead to weight gain, cortisol is damaging to the heart, nervous system. But the blood levels of the hormone oxytocin is increased during co-sleeping! Still, this hormone is called "hormone of love". Oxytocin relieves anxiety, and this hormone is involved in the regulation cycle "wakefulness - sleep." People with adequate and increased levels of oxytocin in the blood will never suffer from insomnia. This problem is familiar to many women, and now you know the solution!

If you are waiting in front of a difficult day, full of stress, there is no better means than to sleep, clinging to a partner. It's very soothing, tactile contact immediately remove inner turmoil, you fall asleep easily and well you can recover during sleep before coming working day. To further enhance the effect of the security, which creates sleep in the same bed, both partners have to sleep naked. Hugging during sleep, the pair will feel very close contact. This strengthens the relationship, making ... And what could be nicer than to sleep as a family, a loved one ...

Maybe we should think once again, is it really good to sleep alone? The freedom you feel, being one, will not give you benefits such as life with someone really close.

via takprosto cc


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