These practical advice to help your children to grow up rich and successful. It's amazing how it's simple!
Denis Johnson grew up in a poor family of 17 had her first child in 21 was on the street, and at 23 made his first million. Now a successful mother of five travels around the world and sharing his principles of education of children.
1. No mobile phones!
Everyone knows that no modern child does not imagine his life without a tablet computer and mobile phone. Moreover, all these modern Soup taught person does not manage your time, and television imposes wrong behaviors. Therefore, children Denis Johnson got their first phones in 16 years, and the TV in the house was not in sight.
2. The right goal - from the cradle!
As a rule, every second of parents to educate their children with the thought: maybe you are lucky! But children need more from early childhood to help set priorities and achieve goals. If you send your child for a week or a volunteer at a homeless shelter penniless, the result will not take long: after a week your child will come back with a great desire to learn and to achieve their goals.
3. Not all cartoons - for children.
Including another cartoon, we see a typical scene: lazy, dissolute, swaggering peasant rejoices as he deftly encircles around your finger others. And then the question arises: would the parents to their children increased as such or their daughters were these men? The answer is obvious. So do not watch TV. Never.
4. Stash - do not spend.
There is an unwritten rule that is used by many American parents: Accumulate $ 10, and I'll give you another 10. When the desired amount to be collected, they can buy only those things that allow the child to develop and move forward: a bicycle, books, musical instruments. You can not buy children what they did not used and only takes unnecessary space - you need to teach them that the money you can earn, save and invest.
5. More you give - more you get!
The most important thing - to teach the child to respect for one's neighbor. It is no accident because the Bible mentions that 10% of the necessary sacrifice. Children Johnson themselves follow this: give 10% of every dollar earned orphans. At the same time another 25% remains in the leisure and entertainment, and the rest goes to the treasury - a happy future and the realization of ideas.
6. Parents - not an ATM.
The worst thing that now makes parents - hard to earn money to give all children what they themselves did not have a child. And what we see: the children grow up, getting into the world, which already can not afford to live the way they are used to. Denis Johnson goes another way: give the child 50 dollars a year on shoes and buys four pairs of jeans. Do you want something more - wait for sales or earn! Of course, the child should be provided with all the necessary, but special requirements or desires he should try to achieve.
7. I love my job!
When children are constantly hear that your boss - a pig, colleagues - rare idiots, and the work itself is very annoying, then from childhood only know one thing: work - it's something painful, unpleasant and bad. "These guys will not want to work or start their own business", - confident Denis Johnson. The family's most successful female children are three years old begin to perform light housework. So they "pay" for their room and board. After all, nothing in life is free.
All these "wisdom" is very easy to use every day in practice, parents often simply forget about integrity when it comes to their child of it. But it is not too late to fix all the better!
Do not forget to share this wise advice to other parents!
via takprosto cc
1. No mobile phones!
Everyone knows that no modern child does not imagine his life without a tablet computer and mobile phone. Moreover, all these modern Soup taught person does not manage your time, and television imposes wrong behaviors. Therefore, children Denis Johnson got their first phones in 16 years, and the TV in the house was not in sight.
2. The right goal - from the cradle!
As a rule, every second of parents to educate their children with the thought: maybe you are lucky! But children need more from early childhood to help set priorities and achieve goals. If you send your child for a week or a volunteer at a homeless shelter penniless, the result will not take long: after a week your child will come back with a great desire to learn and to achieve their goals.
3. Not all cartoons - for children.
Including another cartoon, we see a typical scene: lazy, dissolute, swaggering peasant rejoices as he deftly encircles around your finger others. And then the question arises: would the parents to their children increased as such or their daughters were these men? The answer is obvious. So do not watch TV. Never.
4. Stash - do not spend.
There is an unwritten rule that is used by many American parents: Accumulate $ 10, and I'll give you another 10. When the desired amount to be collected, they can buy only those things that allow the child to develop and move forward: a bicycle, books, musical instruments. You can not buy children what they did not used and only takes unnecessary space - you need to teach them that the money you can earn, save and invest.
5. More you give - more you get!
The most important thing - to teach the child to respect for one's neighbor. It is no accident because the Bible mentions that 10% of the necessary sacrifice. Children Johnson themselves follow this: give 10% of every dollar earned orphans. At the same time another 25% remains in the leisure and entertainment, and the rest goes to the treasury - a happy future and the realization of ideas.
6. Parents - not an ATM.
The worst thing that now makes parents - hard to earn money to give all children what they themselves did not have a child. And what we see: the children grow up, getting into the world, which already can not afford to live the way they are used to. Denis Johnson goes another way: give the child 50 dollars a year on shoes and buys four pairs of jeans. Do you want something more - wait for sales or earn! Of course, the child should be provided with all the necessary, but special requirements or desires he should try to achieve.
7. I love my job!
When children are constantly hear that your boss - a pig, colleagues - rare idiots, and the work itself is very annoying, then from childhood only know one thing: work - it's something painful, unpleasant and bad. "These guys will not want to work or start their own business", - confident Denis Johnson. The family's most successful female children are three years old begin to perform light housework. So they "pay" for their room and board. After all, nothing in life is free.
All these "wisdom" is very easy to use every day in practice, parents often simply forget about integrity when it comes to their child of it. But it is not too late to fix all the better!
Do not forget to share this wise advice to other parents!
via takprosto cc
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