5 beauty tips-c using a lemon. Cheap and effective ways to improve the appearance.
Lemon - a unique fruit, it contains very few calories, but it is rich in a lot of vitamins: C, E, PP, B; minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, fluorine; useful substances: organic acids, proteins and carbohydrates. This fruit is not only used for cooking, and treatment of various diseases in the household, but also to improve the appearance. Use lemon for beauty - it is inexpensive, easy and safe way to become younger and more beautiful. Do not trust? And you try! We offer 5 tips on how you can replace cream shop, pastes and masks with natural lemon juice.
Lemon juice is used ...
... for tooth whitening.
Mix baking soda and lemon juice in equal proportions, apply the mixture as a toothpaste. Apply it to the teeth with light circular movements with a cotton swab. Then brush your teeth their regular brushing and rinse the mouth with warm water. This advice is only suitable for people with healthy teeth. Perform this procedure only once a week.
... to lighten hair.
If you want to lighten your hair to one tone of a natural way, the better way than a lemon you will not find. After each wash your hair with shampoo, rinse them with warm water and lemon juice, and the effect will not take long. This advice is not suitable for owners of dry hair and dry scalp.
... to eliminate blackheads.
Black points - it is a problem faced by many. To deal with them is very difficult, but possible. Simply apply to the black dots a little lemon juice before going to bed and go to sleep. Repeat this simple procedure for a few days and blackheads will be much less.
... to remove dark spots.
Lemon juice is also used as a natural skin lightener. Mix some lemon juice, and sweet almond oil and honey and rub into the dark areas of the skin. Leave for 5 minutes, then wash away. Repeat this procedure for some time and dark spots will become less noticeable.
... for losing weight.
Lemon juice when ingested actively splits the fat and speeds up metabolism. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of hot water, let cool, and drink on an empty stomach each morning. After a week you can take a break. But we must be careful, this drink is absolutely contraindicated people suffering from peptic ulcer disease and gastric acidity.
With the help of aromatherapy with essential oils of lemon, you can reduce your appetite. Just inhale the aroma of this oil before meals.
To carry out cosmetic procedures should be heavy buying small thin-skinned lemons.
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Lemon juice is used ...
... for tooth whitening.
Mix baking soda and lemon juice in equal proportions, apply the mixture as a toothpaste. Apply it to the teeth with light circular movements with a cotton swab. Then brush your teeth their regular brushing and rinse the mouth with warm water. This advice is only suitable for people with healthy teeth. Perform this procedure only once a week.
... to lighten hair.
If you want to lighten your hair to one tone of a natural way, the better way than a lemon you will not find. After each wash your hair with shampoo, rinse them with warm water and lemon juice, and the effect will not take long. This advice is not suitable for owners of dry hair and dry scalp.
... to eliminate blackheads.
Black points - it is a problem faced by many. To deal with them is very difficult, but possible. Simply apply to the black dots a little lemon juice before going to bed and go to sleep. Repeat this simple procedure for a few days and blackheads will be much less.
... to remove dark spots.
Lemon juice is also used as a natural skin lightener. Mix some lemon juice, and sweet almond oil and honey and rub into the dark areas of the skin. Leave for 5 minutes, then wash away. Repeat this procedure for some time and dark spots will become less noticeable.
... for losing weight.
Lemon juice when ingested actively splits the fat and speeds up metabolism. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of hot water, let cool, and drink on an empty stomach each morning. After a week you can take a break. But we must be careful, this drink is absolutely contraindicated people suffering from peptic ulcer disease and gastric acidity.
With the help of aromatherapy with essential oils of lemon, you can reduce your appetite. Just inhale the aroma of this oil before meals.
To carry out cosmetic procedures should be heavy buying small thin-skinned lemons.
Share these five ways to use lemon for beauty with friends!
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