Delicious magic potion to a party in the style of Harry Potter. Both children and adults will love it!
Books and movies about the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends love to both adults and children. Fairy tale gradually receding into the past, in its place comes a new book and idols. But the story about the boy wizard will forever remain in the soul of everyone. If you are going to organize a theme party, why do not you do it in the style of Harry Potter. It sounds funny and original. Party in the style of the 80s, the Mafia and The Great Gatsby is no surprise. .cc offers you cook magical cocktails, which you can entertain your guests at the party.
1. "Butterbeer" - Harry's favorite cocktail.
Recipe for adult
0, 5 liters of unfiltered beer; 2 eggs; 1, 5 hours. l. butter; 250 ml cream (10% fat); 3 tbsp. l. sugar; cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon (to taste). How to prepare:
1. Vzbey eggs with sugar.
2. Heat a little beer over medium heat and add the spices.
3. In warm beer pour a thin stream of beaten eggs with sugar. The mixture was stirred a bit, without letting it boil.
5. Melt the butter and add it to the beer.
6. Then drink boil for 5 minutes.
7. Pour the cream, once heated and stir thoroughly.
Before serving, "Butterbeer" should at least 20 minutes to infuse.
Recipe for kids
1 liter of milk; 600 g of ice-cream "Sundae»; 50 ml caramel sauce. Method:
Vzbey all ingredients in a blender until smooth. If you do not find the caramel sauce in a store, you can cook it yourself.
1. Mix 100 ml of water and 100 g of sugar.
2. Put the mixture on medium heat and vaporize a third.
3. Add 2 tbsp. l. high fat cream, half hour. l. salt, a pinch of black pepper and cinnamon.
4. Boil the sauce for 2 minutes on low heat.
5. Give the drink to cool to room temperature.
2. "Amortentia" - a love potion.
The recipe for adult
350 Roma; 750 ml of hot water; 2 hours. l. leaf black tea; 3 tbsp. l. sugar; 1 medium lemon. How to prepare:
1. Brew tea in hot water (not boiling). Let infuse for 15 minutes and strain.
2. Add to the tea rum, sugar and lemon juice. Then mix well.
3. The mixture pour into a saucepan and heat over low heat about 20 minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the heat.
Recipe for kids
1 apple; 2 oranges; 1 lemon; 150 g frozen strawberries; 150 g sugar; the cinnamon, cardamom, dried ginger (to taste); 3 tbsp. l. good black tea. How to prepare:
1. Wash the apple and large we will cut it. Take away the core.
2. Then wash the lemons and oranges. We shall cut them in thin slices.
3. Give thawed strawberries mixed with other fruits, falling asleep with sugar and leave for half an hour.
4. Then zaley tea leaves with boiling water (450 ml). Give a little brew and strain.
5. Add schipotke cinnamon and powdered ginger tea and pour it into the pan with the fruit.
6. strain after a while and enjoy the pleasant taste.
3. "Wolf antidote»
The recipe for adult
150 ml lemonade; 50 ml whiskey; 40 g of ice; lime (to taste). < / How to prepare:
Take the big and tall glass, pour in the lemonade, cola and whiskey, put ice and a few slices of lime.
Recipe for kids
How to prepare:
Mix all the ingredients.
4. "Polyjuice Potion»
The recipe for adult
40 g gin; 40 g apple juice; 30 g green liqueur "Chartreuse»; 10 g of lime juice; < / Sprite (optional). How to prepare:
Mix gin, juice and "Chartreuse" in a blender with ice. Pour mixture into a glass. Add a little sprite, if you want to got slightly lighter consistency.
Recipe for kids
0, 5 liters of milk; 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar; 2 sprigs of fresh mint. How to prepare:
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Beautiful and delicious cocktails will help you make a party memorable. Share these original recipes for cocktails with your friends!
Photo: BuzzFeed
via takprosto cc
1. "Butterbeer" - Harry's favorite cocktail.

Recipe for adult
0, 5 liters of unfiltered beer; 2 eggs; 1, 5 hours. l. butter; 250 ml cream (10% fat); 3 tbsp. l. sugar; cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon (to taste). How to prepare:
1. Vzbey eggs with sugar.
2. Heat a little beer over medium heat and add the spices.
3. In warm beer pour a thin stream of beaten eggs with sugar. The mixture was stirred a bit, without letting it boil.
5. Melt the butter and add it to the beer.
6. Then drink boil for 5 minutes.
7. Pour the cream, once heated and stir thoroughly.
Before serving, "Butterbeer" should at least 20 minutes to infuse.
Recipe for kids
1 liter of milk; 600 g of ice-cream "Sundae»; 50 ml caramel sauce. Method:
Vzbey all ingredients in a blender until smooth. If you do not find the caramel sauce in a store, you can cook it yourself.
1. Mix 100 ml of water and 100 g of sugar.
2. Put the mixture on medium heat and vaporize a third.
3. Add 2 tbsp. l. high fat cream, half hour. l. salt, a pinch of black pepper and cinnamon.
4. Boil the sauce for 2 minutes on low heat.
5. Give the drink to cool to room temperature.
2. "Amortentia" - a love potion.

The recipe for adult
350 Roma; 750 ml of hot water; 2 hours. l. leaf black tea; 3 tbsp. l. sugar; 1 medium lemon. How to prepare:
1. Brew tea in hot water (not boiling). Let infuse for 15 minutes and strain.
2. Add to the tea rum, sugar and lemon juice. Then mix well.
3. The mixture pour into a saucepan and heat over low heat about 20 minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the heat.
Recipe for kids
1 apple; 2 oranges; 1 lemon; 150 g frozen strawberries; 150 g sugar; the cinnamon, cardamom, dried ginger (to taste); 3 tbsp. l. good black tea. How to prepare:
1. Wash the apple and large we will cut it. Take away the core.
2. Then wash the lemons and oranges. We shall cut them in thin slices.
3. Give thawed strawberries mixed with other fruits, falling asleep with sugar and leave for half an hour.
4. Then zaley tea leaves with boiling water (450 ml). Give a little brew and strain.
5. Add schipotke cinnamon and powdered ginger tea and pour it into the pan with the fruit.
6. strain after a while and enjoy the pleasant taste.
3. "Wolf antidote»

The recipe for adult
150 ml lemonade; 50 ml whiskey; 40 g of ice; lime (to taste). < / How to prepare:
Take the big and tall glass, pour in the lemonade, cola and whiskey, put ice and a few slices of lime.
Recipe for kids
How to prepare:
Mix all the ingredients.
4. "Polyjuice Potion»

The recipe for adult
40 g gin; 40 g apple juice; 30 g green liqueur "Chartreuse»; 10 g of lime juice; < / Sprite (optional). How to prepare:
Mix gin, juice and "Chartreuse" in a blender with ice. Pour mixture into a glass. Add a little sprite, if you want to got slightly lighter consistency.
Recipe for kids
0, 5 liters of milk; 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar; 2 sprigs of fresh mint. How to prepare:
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Beautiful and delicious cocktails will help you make a party memorable. Share these original recipes for cocktails with your friends!
Photo: BuzzFeed
via takprosto cc
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