JK Rowling wrote the story of 34-year-old Harry Potter

This is the first literary work of authorship Rowling, which tells the story of heroes "Potteriana" after the events of the last book. It was written on behalf of the journalist's "Daily Prophet" Rita Skeeter. Thus the writer broke earlier promise not to write about Harry and his friends.
We read and enjoy.
- There is a celebrity, and there are celebrities. Here, in the Patagonian wilderness, where the Quidditch World Cup, we saw a lot of famous people. The ministers and presidents, singer Celestine Warlock and American rock band The Bent-Winged Snitches - all caused delight of spectators and forced crowds of people to fight for their autographs, and sometimes to get in the VIP-box, to float even love spell.
But when there was a rumor that come to see the final of the championship several famous magicians who became famous in his youth, but still easily recognizable by all, excitement knew no bounds. Who came to the tournament fans from around the world gathered at the place where it is said to have seen the members of Dumbledore's Army, wanting more than anything to see the person they are still called the Chosen One.
Family Potter and the other members of Dumbledore's Army are located in the VIP-section of the fan camp, protected by powerful spells, and is under heavy guard. Their presence gathered outside the protected area a significant number of people trying to see them at least one eye. Their wish was fulfilled at three o'clock, when Potter took his sons James and Albus to see the team training camp in Bulgaria and get acquainted with their Seeker Viktor Krum.
Harry Potter

Potter soon 34 years old, and in his hair can see the first signs of gray, but he still has those same round glasses, which many would consider more suitable for 12-year-old boy.
At the famous scar he appeared "companion" - a terrible cut on his right cheekbone. Attempts to find out its origin led to predskazuemumu result. The Ministry of Magic said: "We do not comment on classified work performed by our Auror, what we are actually talking to you, Miss Skeeter, at least 514 times." So what do they hide? Was re-elected surrounded by some mysteries that day come upon us like a bolt from the sky, plunging all the horror?
Is it possible that the injury causes more banal? Maybe it's his wife had bewitched him, and in their relations cracks that Potters are trying to hide from strangers? Maybe we should pay attention to the fact that the wife of Potter Dzhinerva, was glad to leave her husband and children at home in London, going to lead reports from the World Cup? Is it enough to have it to this talent - a moot point, but when your name Potter, international sports organizations bow to you, and such publications as "The Daily Prophet" given you the choicest jobs.
Their loyal fans will remember how Potter and Krum were competing with each other in the tournament three wizards, but between them, apparently, there is no animosity. At the meeting, they hugged each other, so that once again there was talk about what really happened in the maze that could explain this relationship warmth. Whatever it was, talking to Krum about half an hour, Harry and his sons returned to his tent.
In the next Potter tent housed two of his closest aides, who know all about him, but always refused to speak to the press. Do they fear it, or it is their own secrets that threaten to break out and tarnish the myth of victory over He-Who Must Not Be Named, do not allow them to speak? The now husband and wife, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger was always Potter. Like all members of Dumbledore's Army, they fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and wizards were showered with awards for their bravery.
Hermione Granger and Ronald Uizli

Immediately after the battle of the red-haired Ronald Weasley got a job at the Ministry of Magic with Potter. Two years later, he left his position to become one of the managers of the store, "All kinds of magic vredilki." Was he so happy to help his brother George to the business, as they say? Or is he just tired of being in the shadow Potter? Did you work in the Department of Aurors too complex for someone who once admitted that the destruction krestrazhem "bad for him?" From the side one finds the Weasleys signs of mental disorder. However, the public just do not give up on him nearer to draw objective conclusions. Do not you think it's suspicious?
Hermione was always Greydzher femme fatale of the company. Media have repeatedly written about how a young man she flirted with the feelings of the young Potter, then succumbed to the charms of the brave Viktor Krum in the end opted for the faithful friend of Ron. Now, occupying the post of deputy head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, it is one of the candidates for promotion to the ministry. And, of course, she is also happy mother of two children - a son and daughter of Hugo Rosa. It proves you an example of Hermione Granger, that "witch could catch all"? (No, I can not, judging by her hairstyle).
Finally, it settled near the other members of Dumbledore's Army, usually attracts less attention than Potter, Weasley and Granger. Neville Longbottom, for example, has now become a well-known teacher of Herbology at Hogwarts school of magic. Here in Patagonia, he came with his wife Hannah. Until recently, the couple lived above the pub "Leaky Cauldron" in London, but there are rumors that it is now in their life change is coming - Hannah has applied for the position of healer at Hogwarts. There is also a rumor that she herself, like her husband, recently too interested fiery whiskey, but, be that as it may, we wish success in her Hannah career endeavors.
Draco Malfoy and Polumna Lavgud

The last known member of the squad - Luna Lovegood, who married Rolf Salamander, the grandson of the famous Newt Salamander and his wife Porpentiny. Eccentric as ever, Polumna worn on their VIP-section in the dress colors of flags of the 16 teams participating in the tournament. Two of her twins' stayed at home with my grandfather. " Maybe this is just a euphemism for the term "too distressed to appear with them in society"? While this, of course, would suggest only gossips.
We arrived for the tournament, and the other members of the squad, but these six cause of particular interest. It should be somewhere zip red head, and that's all they say that it Weasley. However, it is difficult to determine which one. Can be successful and rich co-owner of "all sorts of magic vredilok"? Or work with dragons Charlie, who still can not marry? Or Percy, who works in the department of the Ministry of Transport and whose fault we sticks out in traffic? The only person who is easy to recognize - Bill. Poor Bill, received the terrible scars of his "meeting" with a werewolf, but still somehow managed to take a wife beautiful Fleur Delacour. What helped him? The spell, a love potion, blackmail, kidnapping? Rumor has it that all the members of Dumbledore's Army, we will see in VIP-boxes during the finals. Let us hope that the behavior of their children not to disgrace them in front of everyone.
People usually try not to disturb the personal lives of children, but when someone is close to Harry Potter, you have to get used to the increased interest of the public. Surely Potter is concerned when he finds out how it behaved 16-year-old godson Ted Lupin - metamorfomag with bright blue hair. Of course, it's hard to blame Potter during his employment that he is not watching a boy without parents. But still scary to imagine what could be Lupin if he will remain without proper supervision. At the same time, Bill and Fleur Weasley probably ever find out that their daughter, Victoire is ready to follow in any dark corner where just not beckon her Lupin. Good news, perhaps, only in the fact that both of them - and Victoire, and Lupin - learned to breathe through the ears. After all, how else can we explain that they can so long kiss.
But do not be too strict. Harry Potter and his entourage never called themselves perfect! To all those who want to find out how they are far from ideal, I can recommend my new book - "Dumbledore's Army: Dark of the demobilization" - which you can buy at the store "Flourish and Botts," starting from July 31.
Rita Skeeter for the "Daily Prophet»
via tjournal.ru/paper/rita-skeeter-column?from=rss