3 admission to teach your brain feel happy. Everything depends only on you!

You can teach your brain to feel happy! It turns out everything in your hands. You decide how to experience life and to respond to its manifestation. Do not rush skeptical frown, because it's true.

The human brain, which is constantly tuned to search for errors and negative aspects, accustomed to work in such a rhythm all the time. Not surprisingly, lawyers, auditors and other people whose work is inextricably linked with the analysis of the negative material, twice as likely to suffer from depression. The brain does not stop to look for bugs and finding fault even after the workday is over. It poisons the very life, because if you want you can find bad anywhere!

Harvard University one of the most popular courses is the "science of happiness". Of course, everyone wondering how to find harmony and inspiration in my life! Scientists have shown that, for a person to feel happy, it is necessary not so much. Teach your brain to look good, tune in to a positive and grateful. There are three things for which you are grateful to have experienced today will make you much happier!

Remember the good, write good things. Very useful practice - before going to bed to write down what you are grateful for that today. Old men forget the poor quickly and like to indulge in the wonderful memories, which is why people in the age of so wise and harmonious.

If you tend to paint everything in the dark paint, you will also help technique comparisons with other people. You talked all his life that the comparison - is that bad? Do not worry! You just need the right to compare - with people whose fate far worse than yours. This method allows you to perk up very quickly.

Sometimes in life things happen that would not have happened better. If you're worried about memories from the past and you think you're a loser, because something went wrong, you should re-think everything. Rewrite history of mind, think positive scenario. Very soon an injury that you exasperated and painful experiences disappear! Try it, why not?

Adjusts for the best, be an optimist! Being happy or suffer - the choice is yours.

via takprosto cc


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