10 amazing protective functions of the human body, about which you had no idea!
Our body - it is a complex mixture of many systems that are difficult to understand. One such system is a defense system of the human body. It protects us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a variety of external factors that could harm us.
Today .cc tell you about the 10 protective functions of the human body.
1. Yawning
The main function of yawning is to cool our brain when overheating or overloading.
2. Sneezing
Usually we sneeze when nasal accumulates too many allergens, germs, dust or other irritants, to get rid of the "garbage" in the nose.
3. Sipping
We stretch ourselves to prepare the body for physical activities that await him during the day. At this time, warm up the muscles, restores blood circulation and improves mood.
4. Hiccups
When a person eats very quickly, swallowing large pieces of food or overeating elementary - at this moment there is irritation of the vagus nerve, which is closely related to our stomach and diaphragm. Therefore, we ikaem.
5. Myoclonic seizures
That's the feeling when you're lying in bed and already falls into a dream, but at this very moment everything your body as if beaten shock. At this time, all your muscles contract so much that you already throws on the bed and you wake up immediately. The fact is that when you start to fall asleep, breathing rate drops sharply, and the pulse is slowed down slightly, the muscles are relaxed, and together the similar condition as the brain misinterprets dying. So he tries to save you at once.
6. Swelling of the skin by moisture
Swollen fingertips play a very important role. The thing is that when the body is faced with high humidity, it is understood that there may be slippery. Therefore, the skin on our fingertips immediately begins to transform in order to improve its adhesion to smooth surfaces.
7. Memory loss
Memory loss often occurs after not the most pleasant memories. Therefore, the brain permanently removes these terrible moments of our memory.
8. Goosebumps
The first and most important function of a pimple - reduction of heat through the pores in our skin, due to which the body is much easier to keep warm in adverse climatic conditions.
9. Tears
In addition to the protective function of the mucous membrane in contact with foreign bodies in the eye, tears are also a tool of emotional defense. Scientists believe that in stressful situations, the body creates a new, very powerful center of stimulation to distract people from the pain that he experienced before.
10. Additional feeling
In fact, a person more senses than 5 key, and they all serve a protective function.
We should be grateful to our body, because it works every day for our safety. Our body is constantly monitored.
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via takprosto cc
Today .cc tell you about the 10 protective functions of the human body.
1. Yawning
The main function of yawning is to cool our brain when overheating or overloading.

2. Sneezing
Usually we sneeze when nasal accumulates too many allergens, germs, dust or other irritants, to get rid of the "garbage" in the nose.

3. Sipping
We stretch ourselves to prepare the body for physical activities that await him during the day. At this time, warm up the muscles, restores blood circulation and improves mood.

4. Hiccups
When a person eats very quickly, swallowing large pieces of food or overeating elementary - at this moment there is irritation of the vagus nerve, which is closely related to our stomach and diaphragm. Therefore, we ikaem.

5. Myoclonic seizures
That's the feeling when you're lying in bed and already falls into a dream, but at this very moment everything your body as if beaten shock. At this time, all your muscles contract so much that you already throws on the bed and you wake up immediately. The fact is that when you start to fall asleep, breathing rate drops sharply, and the pulse is slowed down slightly, the muscles are relaxed, and together the similar condition as the brain misinterprets dying. So he tries to save you at once.

6. Swelling of the skin by moisture
Swollen fingertips play a very important role. The thing is that when the body is faced with high humidity, it is understood that there may be slippery. Therefore, the skin on our fingertips immediately begins to transform in order to improve its adhesion to smooth surfaces.

7. Memory loss
Memory loss often occurs after not the most pleasant memories. Therefore, the brain permanently removes these terrible moments of our memory.

8. Goosebumps
The first and most important function of a pimple - reduction of heat through the pores in our skin, due to which the body is much easier to keep warm in adverse climatic conditions.

9. Tears
In addition to the protective function of the mucous membrane in contact with foreign bodies in the eye, tears are also a tool of emotional defense. Scientists believe that in stressful situations, the body creates a new, very powerful center of stimulation to distract people from the pain that he experienced before.

10. Additional feeling
In fact, a person more senses than 5 key, and they all serve a protective function.
We should be grateful to our body, because it works every day for our safety. Our body is constantly monitored.
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via takprosto cc
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