Disturb pains in the neck? 5 simple asanas will help you return to normal life.
If you suffer from pain in the neck, which are not accompanied by any serious medical conditions, we advise you to practice some simple yoga postures every day. Previously, these exercises were not very popular, but those who once tried doing a now their time. These asanas are very effective. With their help, you can relieve muscle pain. These exercises are ideal for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Try it, and you forget about the pain in the neck.
1. Variation eagle pose
Located to the right over the left elbow with crossed forearms and joining hands. Then slowly raise your elbows to shoulder level. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Breathe evenly and deeply. Put your elbows to the chest and change hands to the left was on top.
2. "Superman" (a variation of the locust pose)
To the neck did not hurt, you should also take care of your posture, relax the upper body and back. We suggest you do the activity "Superman." Lie down on your stomach, bringing feet together, forehead should touch the floor. Stretch your arms in front of him. On the inhale, lift up the hands and feet. Elbows and knees straighten. Hold this position for as long as you can. Then return to the starting position and relax.
3. Tilt your head
Sit in a comfortable position and straighten your back. Leaned his ear to the left shoulder, while the right hand pull to the side, as in the photo. Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Then repeat the pose on the other side only.
3. Exercise to tighten the chin muscles and reduce pain in the neck
Slide the chin. Hold this position, then relax the neck and chin Bring back the most. Do exercise a few times.
5. Hands in the Castle
Sit in a comfortable position. Join hands behind her back to the castle. Then, well pull them back. Back as much as possible the rotten. Chin lift up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Perform these exercises every day, and soon you will notice results. Also, do not forget to take care of your posture and try to lead a more active lifestyle.
Share these effective asanas that are struggling with back pain, with my friends.
via takprosto cc
1. Variation eagle pose
Located to the right over the left elbow with crossed forearms and joining hands. Then slowly raise your elbows to shoulder level. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Breathe evenly and deeply. Put your elbows to the chest and change hands to the left was on top.
2. "Superman" (a variation of the locust pose)
To the neck did not hurt, you should also take care of your posture, relax the upper body and back. We suggest you do the activity "Superman." Lie down on your stomach, bringing feet together, forehead should touch the floor. Stretch your arms in front of him. On the inhale, lift up the hands and feet. Elbows and knees straighten. Hold this position for as long as you can. Then return to the starting position and relax.
3. Tilt your head
Sit in a comfortable position and straighten your back. Leaned his ear to the left shoulder, while the right hand pull to the side, as in the photo. Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Then repeat the pose on the other side only.
3. Exercise to tighten the chin muscles and reduce pain in the neck
Slide the chin. Hold this position, then relax the neck and chin Bring back the most. Do exercise a few times.
5. Hands in the Castle
Sit in a comfortable position. Join hands behind her back to the castle. Then, well pull them back. Back as much as possible the rotten. Chin lift up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Perform these exercises every day, and soon you will notice results. Also, do not forget to take care of your posture and try to lead a more active lifestyle.
Share these effective asanas that are struggling with back pain, with my friends.
via takprosto cc
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