1: 0 in favor of vegetarianism. That's why you should give up meat!
In recent years, increasingly there are people who refuse food of animal origin and become vegetarians. A variety of experts and scholars assert that vegetarianism - it's the only chance of not dying from excess cholesterol, carcinogens and other harmful substances. Maybe this is some kind of meaning? If this is true, then it's probably worth a try, if only as an experiment. What do you think?
Colin Campbell - a biochemist with a worldwide reputation. He conducted a study in which recognized casein (milk protein) of the strongest carcinogens. Campbell's book published in 2005, and until now no one can anything she countered. And the meat, which is considered the best source of protein, in fact it is not. The broccoli and romaine lettuce, for example, much more protein. In addition, the meat must be prepared. The amino acids that make up the protein, when heated lose their properties. It is for these reasons that modern nutritionists are increasingly advised to move to the side of vegetarianism.
Where to get protein?
Star of World Nutrition (nutritional science) Kimberly Snyder advises draw proteins from raw vegetables and greens. It offers often do have salads and green smoothies in the blender for a snack. There are many more proteins in seeds and nuts. They can just sprinkle your main meals. But, to nuts and seeds are better absorbed, first soak them for several hours in cold water. More than half of the protein composed of green algae spirulina and chlorella. Well, calcium and other minerals and vitamins can be found in spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, sesame seeds and turnips.
What you need to look for?
Opponents of vegetarianism say that in food of plant origin are not many substances necessary for us. Firstly, there is no cholesterol. And it is only a plus, because our bodies could handle himself and develop it in sufficient quantities. Secondly, there are only three substances, which are only in foods of animal origin. These are vitamins A, B12 and D. But it is worth noting that vitamin D may work out any vegetarian, often spending time in the sun, and vitamin A is formed from beta-carotene, which is fully in apricots, carrots, peaches and spinach. The only problem is vitamin B12, which is formed due to the organisms that live in the intestines of animals. In this case, vegetarians need to resort to the help of dietary supplements.
You can not give up meat?
Yet most people can not imagine life without meat. Kimberly gives some tips that will make them more useful steaks. First buy meat from local farmers, with whom you knew personally and who do not produce it on an industrial scale. Then you will be sure that the level of the various antibiotics used in industrial plants to prevent disease and to accelerate growth will be minimal. Also, the meat should be eaten no more than once a day. And if you can - will be reduced to two times a week. Well, to give preference to seafood, they are easier to digest.
What about without milk?
You English manners, and they do not allow you to give a cup of tea with milk? Try to replace the milk with vegetable analogue: almond, rice, oatmeal ... They can also be added to tea or coffee, or prepare them porridge. And for those who loves cheese, is to switch to a goat. In it there is no casein, and the body learns it much easier.
Personally, I think that holivar between meat eaters and vegetarians will never end. Our ancestors gave us with the blood of love meat. Get rid of this love will be very difficult. But at least worth a try. Maybe you like it and you become a vegetarian? Tell your friends about it, podiskutiruyte at leisure together.
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Colin Campbell - a biochemist with a worldwide reputation. He conducted a study in which recognized casein (milk protein) of the strongest carcinogens. Campbell's book published in 2005, and until now no one can anything she countered. And the meat, which is considered the best source of protein, in fact it is not. The broccoli and romaine lettuce, for example, much more protein. In addition, the meat must be prepared. The amino acids that make up the protein, when heated lose their properties. It is for these reasons that modern nutritionists are increasingly advised to move to the side of vegetarianism.

Where to get protein?
Star of World Nutrition (nutritional science) Kimberly Snyder advises draw proteins from raw vegetables and greens. It offers often do have salads and green smoothies in the blender for a snack. There are many more proteins in seeds and nuts. They can just sprinkle your main meals. But, to nuts and seeds are better absorbed, first soak them for several hours in cold water. More than half of the protein composed of green algae spirulina and chlorella. Well, calcium and other minerals and vitamins can be found in spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, sesame seeds and turnips.
What you need to look for?
Opponents of vegetarianism say that in food of plant origin are not many substances necessary for us. Firstly, there is no cholesterol. And it is only a plus, because our bodies could handle himself and develop it in sufficient quantities. Secondly, there are only three substances, which are only in foods of animal origin. These are vitamins A, B12 and D. But it is worth noting that vitamin D may work out any vegetarian, often spending time in the sun, and vitamin A is formed from beta-carotene, which is fully in apricots, carrots, peaches and spinach. The only problem is vitamin B12, which is formed due to the organisms that live in the intestines of animals. In this case, vegetarians need to resort to the help of dietary supplements.
You can not give up meat?
Yet most people can not imagine life without meat. Kimberly gives some tips that will make them more useful steaks. First buy meat from local farmers, with whom you knew personally and who do not produce it on an industrial scale. Then you will be sure that the level of the various antibiotics used in industrial plants to prevent disease and to accelerate growth will be minimal. Also, the meat should be eaten no more than once a day. And if you can - will be reduced to two times a week. Well, to give preference to seafood, they are easier to digest.
What about without milk?
You English manners, and they do not allow you to give a cup of tea with milk? Try to replace the milk with vegetable analogue: almond, rice, oatmeal ... They can also be added to tea or coffee, or prepare them porridge. And for those who loves cheese, is to switch to a goat. In it there is no casein, and the body learns it much easier.
Personally, I think that holivar between meat eaters and vegetarians will never end. Our ancestors gave us with the blood of love meat. Get rid of this love will be very difficult. But at least worth a try. Maybe you like it and you become a vegetarian? Tell your friends about it, podiskutiruyte at leisure together.
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