6 tips to quickly bring the nervous system back in order. Control your emotions!
Excessive feelings have long since become a national pastime. The reasons that cause excitement enough. First, you're worried about the study, and then because of work, even after the excitement prices cause sedation.
For example, in the United States a variety of anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric diagnosis. Statistically, the probability that a person with an anxiety disorder is sick with something else in the 3-5 times higher than that of ordinary people.
The fact that the concern is responsible for the same frontal lobe of your brain that deals with the planning and decision-makers. In principle, the difference between planning and concern for your brain only in the magnitude of emotional involvement in the process. It is understood that the alarm is framed by negative emotions. But the main task is to maintain your brain in your life. So sometimes the excitement - a reaction to danger, there is some evolutionary mechanism that allows you to stay alive.
In order to escape from the trap of anxiety, you need to guide your thinking in the right direction. And these tips will help you.
1. Learn to understand their emotions
The first step to reduce anxiety - is the realization, when you start to worry. According to studies, people calm down much faster if they feel the offensive attack of excitement, do not lend themselves to its influence, and try to deal with it. The brain switches to rational thinking and moving experience retreats.
2. Take a deep breath (rather than one)
Slowly and deeply breathe in through your nose, you reduces your body's reaction to stress. Yes, this advice is not the original, but that does not mean that it does not act. When you start to get nervous, your breathing and pulse rate. If you begin to breathe deeply, then shalt deliver the body to signal that you are relaxed, and he calmed down. Such is the magic of science!
3. Think about this
If you start to feel that your thoughts fly to the past or the future, and this leads to a nervous condition, immediately try to return to the present. It is here and now you're all good. Your thoughts can create a sense of danger. Stabilizing them, you return the nervous system to its normal state.
4. Pay attention only on what you can control
In any situation, your brain craves control. Even an illusory sense of control reduces anxiety, anxiety and even pain. Therefore, to avoid the opposite reaction, you need to focus only on those points that you can control. In no case do not need to simulate the worst possible options and so on.
5. Take decisions, even if you do not want to do it
The decision, of any, even the most insignificant, switch your brain into a rational environment. As a consequence, he has ceased to be impulsive. In addition, after the decision you will rise your spirits and self-esteem, which is also very important.
6. Stops on the assessment of "good».
Sometimes the cause undue excitement become unrealistic or idealized expectations. Do not strive to be a better parent. Be a good. You do not have to send a child to study at the best university. Suppose a student. You do not have to look the best. Just be yourself!
Now you know how to relax in stressful situations. And do not try to cheat themselves, if once these tips fail. Gradually, they will enter into the habit and will help you less nervous. Now, think about the health of their loved ones and share this information with them.
via takprosto cc
For example, in the United States a variety of anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric diagnosis. Statistically, the probability that a person with an anxiety disorder is sick with something else in the 3-5 times higher than that of ordinary people.
The fact that the concern is responsible for the same frontal lobe of your brain that deals with the planning and decision-makers. In principle, the difference between planning and concern for your brain only in the magnitude of emotional involvement in the process. It is understood that the alarm is framed by negative emotions. But the main task is to maintain your brain in your life. So sometimes the excitement - a reaction to danger, there is some evolutionary mechanism that allows you to stay alive.
In order to escape from the trap of anxiety, you need to guide your thinking in the right direction. And these tips will help you.

1. Learn to understand their emotions
The first step to reduce anxiety - is the realization, when you start to worry. According to studies, people calm down much faster if they feel the offensive attack of excitement, do not lend themselves to its influence, and try to deal with it. The brain switches to rational thinking and moving experience retreats.
2. Take a deep breath (rather than one)
Slowly and deeply breathe in through your nose, you reduces your body's reaction to stress. Yes, this advice is not the original, but that does not mean that it does not act. When you start to get nervous, your breathing and pulse rate. If you begin to breathe deeply, then shalt deliver the body to signal that you are relaxed, and he calmed down. Such is the magic of science!
3. Think about this
If you start to feel that your thoughts fly to the past or the future, and this leads to a nervous condition, immediately try to return to the present. It is here and now you're all good. Your thoughts can create a sense of danger. Stabilizing them, you return the nervous system to its normal state.
4. Pay attention only on what you can control
In any situation, your brain craves control. Even an illusory sense of control reduces anxiety, anxiety and even pain. Therefore, to avoid the opposite reaction, you need to focus only on those points that you can control. In no case do not need to simulate the worst possible options and so on.
5. Take decisions, even if you do not want to do it
The decision, of any, even the most insignificant, switch your brain into a rational environment. As a consequence, he has ceased to be impulsive. In addition, after the decision you will rise your spirits and self-esteem, which is also very important.
6. Stops on the assessment of "good».
Sometimes the cause undue excitement become unrealistic or idealized expectations. Do not strive to be a better parent. Be a good. You do not have to send a child to study at the best university. Suppose a student. You do not have to look the best. Just be yourself!
Now you know how to relax in stressful situations. And do not try to cheat themselves, if once these tips fail. Gradually, they will enter into the habit and will help you less nervous. Now, think about the health of their loved ones and share this information with them.
via takprosto cc
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