Dislocation - one of the most common injuries. Will render emergency assistance by all the rules!
Dislocation of the arms, legs, fingers or shoulder happens to everyone at least once in life. It is an unpleasant and painful injury, and it is important to be able to provide first aid to yourself and others, if such a disaster occurred. Wrong action with a sprained part of the body can lead to serious consequences. Dislocation is a violation of the integrity of the joint, the bones at the same time may be partially or completely displaced. Proper diagnosis of dislocation - the first step to assist the victim. Remember that the dislocation can easily be mistaken for a fracture, because in both cases the motion of the joint causes pain. Determine dislocation able trauma surgeon, but if you can not get to it right away, pay attention to the following features:
- pain, swelling, bruising around the joint or muscle;
- a visible change in the shape and size of the joint;
- swelling, redness around the joint;
- possible loss of sensitivity in the field of dislocation due to injury of nerve endings;
- a sharp pain when you try to make a movement. What if a dislocation diagnosed: < br />
1. Provide rest a sprained parts of the body, it can not move and stretch. Very good for fixing the injured joint use tight-fitting to the sore spot bus. Em>
2. Put your ice pack wrapped in a towel, to a sprained body parts on 20 minutes
3. If it is possible and it does not cause additional pain suffered limb lift higher, to remove the swelling. If you have injuries and minor damage to the skin around the sprained area to treat them with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Em>
4. The victim must be analgesic. Take a look! People who suffer from cardiovascular disease, and women with suspected pregnancy or in the early stages of pregnancy should not take common painkillers without consulting a doctor. In this case, local anesthesia is recommended - for example, cream, reduces swelling and pain. Em>
5. Go to the emergency room with the victim. It is necessary to do an x-ray for any sprains to avoid the complications of trauma and unpleasant consequences. Em>
In no case do not reduce a dislocation of their own! This will make a skilled physician, it is very possible that such a painful and difficult procedure require anesthesia. If the first aid rendered correctly dislocation recovery would be quick. Easy exercises and physiotherapy to help survive the injury without consequences for health.
Tell your friends about this important article and they do not get lost in a critical situation!
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