There is no food without the "chemistry"! Candid opinions of scientists on chemical substances and products.
A huge flow of information about food, mineral and mineral products, diets and food systems plunges into horror. How to understand where the truth and where - fiction? The most reliable opinion considered opinion of scientists, which is why .cc is sharing with you these excerpts from the interview. Sergei proteins - chemical engineer, he studied the composition of foods and willingly gives his opinion about the "chemical food." Any chef in essence - an aspiring chemist. Because by means of experiments with taste, mixing different products, the chef is trying to get in the kitchen that will produce a successful chemist in the lab for a few minutes ... But first things first.
Food - a 100% chemical. According to the Periodic Table, in all that surrounds us, there is chemistry. The only difference is present in the chemical compounds - they can be taken from the wild in its natural form, but can be artificially synthesized by man. Everything is made up of certain chemical elements - even the man himself.
All natural does not mean Useful! And how to be with the natural poisonous mushrooms? Nature is not obliged to take care of us. The man, who himself prepares food for himself, knows exactly what it is made, even if it is engaged in cooking with the help of chemistry. Trace the natural features of the composition of the food is much more complicated. For example, the usual cucumber. It contains many vitamins and water, but in pimples ... is a real poison against insects and strong-smelling substances for luring parasitic wasps. Very clearly the absurdity of our knowledge of the chemical composition of the products can be demonstrated by the example of potato chips. Their composition can be detected glutamate, flavorings and solanine - toxic substance present in excess in green with potato tubers. If we expand the chips on the components, the more poisonous it's just the part that is made from natural ingredients - potatoes. And that has been made artificially, less harmful! Mustard such searing through allyl isothiocyanate - a substance produced in the damaged plants and serves as a protection from insects. This is a natural remedy against pests we eat. You can continue for a long time, citing examples of powerful chemical compounds that are naturally present in foods, before cooking in the process interfere chemist.
To extend the shelf life of products, make them taste better and safer for health, people learned to be added to food preservatives. The first artificial flavor came up with the man who was roasting the meat on the fire. After all, the nature of the smell of roasted meat does not exist! Another fact: the green coffee does not smell. This product, which is used to call all the 100% natural coffee, obtained by special heat treatment, the conditions are far from natural.
All the food is formed by chemical means. Natural product - does not mean healthy, wholesome food should be evaluated by considering the composition of each individual molecule. Worth it or harmful - the main question, and the question of its origin is of secondary importance. If the packaging of the product painted with preservatives, there is a letter E, citric acid, and stabilizers, it does not necessarily indicate a bad chemical composition. Many preservatives are extremely useful, without them nowhere: gray sausages without preservatives more dangerous. It usually does not contain sodium nitrite, a powerful antibacterial agent that prevents the development of botulism. Before the invention of sodium nitrite, the disease was very common, poisoned products without preservatives is very easy, especially meat ...
Opinion chemist's definitely worth a visit! Some facts about the foods I was genuinely impressed. Share with your friends the important information that makes you wonder. The scientific approach - the most rational of all possible!
via takprosto cc

Food - a 100% chemical. According to the Periodic Table, in all that surrounds us, there is chemistry. The only difference is present in the chemical compounds - they can be taken from the wild in its natural form, but can be artificially synthesized by man. Everything is made up of certain chemical elements - even the man himself.
All natural does not mean Useful! And how to be with the natural poisonous mushrooms? Nature is not obliged to take care of us. The man, who himself prepares food for himself, knows exactly what it is made, even if it is engaged in cooking with the help of chemistry. Trace the natural features of the composition of the food is much more complicated. For example, the usual cucumber. It contains many vitamins and water, but in pimples ... is a real poison against insects and strong-smelling substances for luring parasitic wasps. Very clearly the absurdity of our knowledge of the chemical composition of the products can be demonstrated by the example of potato chips. Their composition can be detected glutamate, flavorings and solanine - toxic substance present in excess in green with potato tubers. If we expand the chips on the components, the more poisonous it's just the part that is made from natural ingredients - potatoes. And that has been made artificially, less harmful! Mustard such searing through allyl isothiocyanate - a substance produced in the damaged plants and serves as a protection from insects. This is a natural remedy against pests we eat. You can continue for a long time, citing examples of powerful chemical compounds that are naturally present in foods, before cooking in the process interfere chemist.

To extend the shelf life of products, make them taste better and safer for health, people learned to be added to food preservatives. The first artificial flavor came up with the man who was roasting the meat on the fire. After all, the nature of the smell of roasted meat does not exist! Another fact: the green coffee does not smell. This product, which is used to call all the 100% natural coffee, obtained by special heat treatment, the conditions are far from natural.
All the food is formed by chemical means. Natural product - does not mean healthy, wholesome food should be evaluated by considering the composition of each individual molecule. Worth it or harmful - the main question, and the question of its origin is of secondary importance. If the packaging of the product painted with preservatives, there is a letter E, citric acid, and stabilizers, it does not necessarily indicate a bad chemical composition. Many preservatives are extremely useful, without them nowhere: gray sausages without preservatives more dangerous. It usually does not contain sodium nitrite, a powerful antibacterial agent that prevents the development of botulism. Before the invention of sodium nitrite, the disease was very common, poisoned products without preservatives is very easy, especially meat ...
Opinion chemist's definitely worth a visit! Some facts about the foods I was genuinely impressed. Share with your friends the important information that makes you wonder. The scientific approach - the most rational of all possible!
via takprosto cc
That's what it means to be truly beautiful: 17 wonderful women who have grasped this truth.
At first glance, it's fried fries. It is unlikely that you will guess, from what made this appetizer.