That is why the stomach hurts 3 unhealthy eating habits that need to be eradicated.
Probably no one would argue that food should charge the body with energy, giving strength and courage for the whole day. However, it often happens that after a meal somewhere in the cafe, at a party or at home, we feel fatigue, drowsiness, apathy and even appears bloating or diarrhea. It seems, and the products were fresh, and serves piping hot, but performance drops, the stomach begins to behave in unexpected ways, and the Spaniards from their afternoon siesta cause acute attacks of envy.
It turns out that the food can not only give the body strength and health allow, but also take them. What kind of food habits should be avoided, we will describe in this article.
1. The combination of starch and protein
I'm sure many of us sin that choose to mashed potatoes chop, stew, steak. Or eat fish and bread. Or porridge with meat. In general, the examples can be many, but the main thing to remember this rule: Eat starches and proteins at different times! In other words, products such as bread, cereals, potatoes and other starchy foods you eat separately from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts and other protein foods.
Vsë the fact that starch is digested quickly, and protein - slowly. And rather than get quickly into the small intestine, starchy foods have to "stand in line" and wait a few hours until the stomach to digest protein. Than it is fraught? Indigestion, heartburn, belching and bloating. Remember that with starch and protein is best to combine the vegetables.
2. The habit of drinking cold drinks
At the height of summer, few can resist the temptation to cool themselves using water or other drinks that were previously placed in the refrigerator. However, ice water is extremely detrimental effect: constricts blood vessels, prevents the body digest food and absorb nutrients. And this is a direct path to obesity.
If you're going to buy in a store or in a cafe a glass of soda or bottle of water - is ordered without ice or ask for room temperature.
3. The habit to wash down a meal
Water - it's great. The more you drink it, the faster the body is cleansed of toxins, regulates water balance, improves health. But when the food entering the stomach, sinking a few cups of water - it can cause indigestion, bloating, colic and other troubles.
The best thing to do - drink plenty of water one hour before or one hour after a meal. And if it is absolutely unbearable, we restrict ourselves to at least one glass.
If you abide by these simple recommendations, then the food will cause a surge of strength, vitality and health. Share these tips with your friends! They will want to review their eating habits!
via takprosto cc
It turns out that the food can not only give the body strength and health allow, but also take them. What kind of food habits should be avoided, we will describe in this article.
1. The combination of starch and protein
I'm sure many of us sin that choose to mashed potatoes chop, stew, steak. Or eat fish and bread. Or porridge with meat. In general, the examples can be many, but the main thing to remember this rule: Eat starches and proteins at different times! In other words, products such as bread, cereals, potatoes and other starchy foods you eat separately from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts and other protein foods.
Vsë the fact that starch is digested quickly, and protein - slowly. And rather than get quickly into the small intestine, starchy foods have to "stand in line" and wait a few hours until the stomach to digest protein. Than it is fraught? Indigestion, heartburn, belching and bloating. Remember that with starch and protein is best to combine the vegetables.

2. The habit of drinking cold drinks
At the height of summer, few can resist the temptation to cool themselves using water or other drinks that were previously placed in the refrigerator. However, ice water is extremely detrimental effect: constricts blood vessels, prevents the body digest food and absorb nutrients. And this is a direct path to obesity.
If you're going to buy in a store or in a cafe a glass of soda or bottle of water - is ordered without ice or ask for room temperature.

3. The habit to wash down a meal
Water - it's great. The more you drink it, the faster the body is cleansed of toxins, regulates water balance, improves health. But when the food entering the stomach, sinking a few cups of water - it can cause indigestion, bloating, colic and other troubles.
The best thing to do - drink plenty of water one hour before or one hour after a meal. And if it is absolutely unbearable, we restrict ourselves to at least one glass.
If you abide by these simple recommendations, then the food will cause a surge of strength, vitality and health. Share these tips with your friends! They will want to review their eating habits!
via takprosto cc
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