8 words-parasites that can tell you much more than you know!
Word parasites present in most people's speech. They not only do not carry any meaning, but even distort the meaning of what the person. The use or avoidance of these words in a conversation talking about the individual "culture of speech" rights and the level of his intelligence. In addition, some words can tell a lot about the character and habits of "carrier". So today tells that you can tell about 8 most popular word-parasites Russian language.
To others are not disappointed in you, begin to eradicate from their speech, these unnecessary words. This waste, which is to get rid of. And the sooner, the better!
via takprosto cc

To others are not disappointed in you, begin to eradicate from their speech, these unnecessary words. This waste, which is to get rid of. And the sooner, the better!
via takprosto cc
Why did the Virgin do not tolerate criticism: zodiac sign, which demands respect. And the point!
The meat in the oven: soft, juicy and very tender. Simply Yum!