Why did the Virgin do not tolerate criticism: zodiac sign, which demands respect. And the point!
Virgin - one of the most controversial characters of the Zodiac. These people are often plagued by doubts, literally torn to pieces ... Did I do that? Do I need it? Virgin like to reflect on their actions, but it does not mean that they do not make mistakes. The desire of these challenging individuals to perfectionism, order, improvement of living and comfort knows no boundaries. That's why they doubt everything: how to make so that it was better - a hidden motto is incredibly practical Dev. To understand them, you can if you try. Knowing the intricacies of mental organization lovers all weigh and consider, you can communicate with them very close contact, which will benefit all!
Virgin can not tolerate criticism. Sami Virgin - extremely critical, vorchilivy, sometimes irritable zodiac sign. But this unpleasant phenomenon has a good background: It is because they strayutsya make the world better! Crumbled notes to remedy the situation. Criticism Dev usually very constructive, although it may be expressed in a rude manner.
How to enter: Never criticize the Virgin explicitly. It can provoke serious conflicts, disputes and even revenge on the part of the gentle Dev! The damage is huge, but good - zero. If you want to change something, whether soft. Try to interest the person your constructive proposal, logical arguments. Here is an example that will help the Virgin to come to their own conclusions, you need me.
Virgin is very touchy. Mood swings, constant pendulum from side to side so tired ... no particular reason these people can be sad and even angry all day.
How to enter: should not touch the Virgin, if it is in a bad mood. Often, resentment and emotional instability cute Dev - a byproduct of the inner workings of the other. They are unhappy that did want to jump over your head, but not always it turns out! Virgo inflated quickly returns to normal, if we note that it is not particularly paying attention. Turn to your own business and be even - let alone the Virgin calm.
Virgin do not like extremes. They do not tolerate other people's strong emotions, tears for the Dev-men - a real red flag. The sobriety of mind - that commands respect from any of the Virgin, to show it in full.
How to enter: if you want to call the Virgin admiration and positive outlook - forget about extremes. Do not rejoice too loudly. Do not condemn, do not be dogmatic. You will be the first in the list of those to whom the Virgin listens!
Virgin creative. The majority of the Virgin - the creators. Creators in life, in work, in love! They look at all things artistic views, usually at the hands of Dev grow from the same place that allows you to create masterpieces out of nothing. Virgo will be a great help in all cases - both at home and at work - if you know the secret ...
How to enter: Notice the creative impulses of the Virgin! I sincerely admire the fact that the man did, and it will be very close to you. Virgos vital compliment, proof that they are on the right path and do not spend their precious resources wasted, "without exhaust».
Virgin humane. You can talk a lot about too much insistence this sign to others about their ability to judge people harshly. Virgin may be prone to changes, to selfishness, but continue to evaluate other canons of the righteous. Why is that? This sign has a huge female energy, it is sensitive and open to all. Internally Virgo always knows how to be. She is alien to anything human, even if the Virgin turns to immoral path.
How to enter: Dev humanity - the trump card up his sleeve when dealing with them. Appealing for compassion, touching deep impulses of their souls, we can convince the Virgin do what you want. Find an individual approach to their Virgin, and even the most impossible dreams can be closer to reality!
Generosity and kind-hearted Dev makes us love them even more. Diligent workers, lovers cleanliness and order, lovers of beautiful and quality things - they are among us! Virgos can be thankful for the fact that his perfectionism, they help others become better. An unconventional approach to life of the sign of the zodiac - a priceless treasure ... These secrets of communication will help you to make friends with the Virgin - it is not as impregnable as he wants to seem.
Recommend this article to friends - Virgin deserve to know them better!
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Virgin can not tolerate criticism. Sami Virgin - extremely critical, vorchilivy, sometimes irritable zodiac sign. But this unpleasant phenomenon has a good background: It is because they strayutsya make the world better! Crumbled notes to remedy the situation. Criticism Dev usually very constructive, although it may be expressed in a rude manner.
How to enter: Never criticize the Virgin explicitly. It can provoke serious conflicts, disputes and even revenge on the part of the gentle Dev! The damage is huge, but good - zero. If you want to change something, whether soft. Try to interest the person your constructive proposal, logical arguments. Here is an example that will help the Virgin to come to their own conclusions, you need me.
Virgin is very touchy. Mood swings, constant pendulum from side to side so tired ... no particular reason these people can be sad and even angry all day.
How to enter: should not touch the Virgin, if it is in a bad mood. Often, resentment and emotional instability cute Dev - a byproduct of the inner workings of the other. They are unhappy that did want to jump over your head, but not always it turns out! Virgo inflated quickly returns to normal, if we note that it is not particularly paying attention. Turn to your own business and be even - let alone the Virgin calm.

Virgin do not like extremes. They do not tolerate other people's strong emotions, tears for the Dev-men - a real red flag. The sobriety of mind - that commands respect from any of the Virgin, to show it in full.
How to enter: if you want to call the Virgin admiration and positive outlook - forget about extremes. Do not rejoice too loudly. Do not condemn, do not be dogmatic. You will be the first in the list of those to whom the Virgin listens!
Virgin creative. The majority of the Virgin - the creators. Creators in life, in work, in love! They look at all things artistic views, usually at the hands of Dev grow from the same place that allows you to create masterpieces out of nothing. Virgo will be a great help in all cases - both at home and at work - if you know the secret ...
How to enter: Notice the creative impulses of the Virgin! I sincerely admire the fact that the man did, and it will be very close to you. Virgos vital compliment, proof that they are on the right path and do not spend their precious resources wasted, "without exhaust».

Virgin humane. You can talk a lot about too much insistence this sign to others about their ability to judge people harshly. Virgin may be prone to changes, to selfishness, but continue to evaluate other canons of the righteous. Why is that? This sign has a huge female energy, it is sensitive and open to all. Internally Virgo always knows how to be. She is alien to anything human, even if the Virgin turns to immoral path.
How to enter: Dev humanity - the trump card up his sleeve when dealing with them. Appealing for compassion, touching deep impulses of their souls, we can convince the Virgin do what you want. Find an individual approach to their Virgin, and even the most impossible dreams can be closer to reality!
Generosity and kind-hearted Dev makes us love them even more. Diligent workers, lovers cleanliness and order, lovers of beautiful and quality things - they are among us! Virgos can be thankful for the fact that his perfectionism, they help others become better. An unconventional approach to life of the sign of the zodiac - a priceless treasure ... These secrets of communication will help you to make friends with the Virgin - it is not as impregnable as he wants to seem.
Recommend this article to friends - Virgin deserve to know them better!
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