Grandpa annealed at a wedding! It does not matter how old you are, it is important, as far as you feel.
When the game starts catchy music, already nothing can stop him.
He abruptly threw his crutches, but even that did not overshadow his stunning dance once with two ladies at the 1:50 minute video. It just goes to show that no matter how old you are. The main thing - how much do you feel.
Show everyone grandpa!
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He abruptly threw his crutches, but even that did not overshadow his stunning dance once with two ladies at the 1:50 minute video. It just goes to show that no matter how old you are. The main thing - how much do you feel.
Show everyone grandpa!
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Loser or crazy? Doh still can not understand how such a thing is possible.
This daredevil dives into the biggest waves and doing just great pictures!