It's not a trick! Excellent delicacy of eggs in just a couple of minutes.
Learn whisking eggs in the shell, follow step by step this recipe. Here are a few tips to get you convinced in practice that it really works:
1. You will need a hose or, even better, a leg of pantyhose. Put the egg in the fabric. Now tie it tight on both sides.
2. Then, taking the fabric for different ends, consistently and begin to spin rhythmically egg and stretch fabric.
3. Now you can put an egg stew. Bringing it to a boil. Make sure it has been properly whipped. Get an egg and cleanse it from the shell. Well beaten egg should be bright and have a light yellow tint.
4. Sometimes shell eggs can burst. In this case, you do not need to wait for a full boil. When the eggs begin to appear around the small bubbles, turn off the oven and leave the eggs for 15 minutes in hot water. Then vyymi and put them in cold water.
Bon appetit! Share this straightforward recipe with your friends.
1. You will need a hose or, even better, a leg of pantyhose. Put the egg in the fabric. Now tie it tight on both sides.
2. Then, taking the fabric for different ends, consistently and begin to spin rhythmically egg and stretch fabric.
3. Now you can put an egg stew. Bringing it to a boil. Make sure it has been properly whipped. Get an egg and cleanse it from the shell. Well beaten egg should be bright and have a light yellow tint.
4. Sometimes shell eggs can burst. In this case, you do not need to wait for a full boil. When the eggs begin to appear around the small bubbles, turn off the oven and leave the eggs for 15 minutes in hot water. Then vyymi and put them in cold water.
Bon appetit! Share this straightforward recipe with your friends.
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