50 simple and wise counsel that I will give my daughter. You must take them to a note!
Women's wisdom is transmitted from generation to generation. But time goes on - the wisdom transformed and acquires a slightly new form. Every caring mother trying to protect her daughter from potential errors, and wants to give her advice that will be useful in her life. Here are 50 of the best manuals on modern mums all modern daughters:
1. Best decoration - a smile.
2. Select a genre of music that you like. And do not listen to those who say that do not understand how all this can listen to.
3. Do not speak maliciously with other women. You still have sometime with them to rule the world.
4. Do not let your man to convince you that he is strong enough to completely change you.
5. Even if he paid for you in a restaurant, remember, it's his choice, you should not do it.
6. wants to see and know the world.
7. Make sure that your life is as steep and cool, what you imagine it to other positions in Instagram.
8. Do not smile if you do not want to do.
9. We are all human.
10. Do not let men express their admiration osvistyvaya you on the street. Give pretty resist!
11. You can not be better than the one who you are. You are such as they are.
12. Your success - not my success. Everything is just in your hands.
13. Even if you are tall, still occasionally Put on heels.
14. I would still like you to read "Jane Eyre».
15. But do not read "50 shades of gray." It's a real nonsense! Everything else - on your choice.
16. Please, look at least one episode of the series "Friends».
17. Keep old tickets.
18. Always wash before going to sleep.
19. Do not water the spirits themselves from head to toe.
20. swim in clothes.
21. swim without clothes.
22. Believe in Guardian Angels.
23. to make a wish when the cilium fall.
24. Be passionate in everything.
25. Do not put yourself in the frame.
26. Your sexuality does not determine the level of your morality.
27. For once in my life to go on some sort of music festival.
28. Do not dress as fashion critics say to you, dress as they.
29. If your job and your success in any way harass a man, it does not cost you!
30. Your importance is not determined by age, appearance, or forms.
31. School days - not the best time of your life. University - yes!
32. Dance with headphones as if the room is unoccupied. I will not laugh, honestly.
33. Find someone with whom you can laugh heartily.
34. Try to walk barefoot.
35. Do not be naive.
35. Head up!
36. Believe in miracles.
37. Do not regret the time spent in sadness. How did you even learn to appreciate those days when you feel really good?
38. Everything should be in moderation.
39. Sometimes, drinking a cup of coffee for the soul.
40. Be uncompromisingly honest.
41. Wake up early.
42. environmental inwardly beautiful and bright people.
43. Remember that no one can think exactly like you.
44. Never give up on something to sleep longer
45. The sad truth is always better than a sweet lie.
46. Always say "I love you" before leaving.
47. Do not miss the opportunity to photograph the beauty around.
48. When you live a happy moment, enjoy it.
49. Look for the beauty in everything.
50. Do not let the fear restrict you in some way.
Everything is simple and obvious, but motherly wisdom. Tell us about these ready-date advice to others, they will be useful to them!
1. Best decoration - a smile.
2. Select a genre of music that you like. And do not listen to those who say that do not understand how all this can listen to.
3. Do not speak maliciously with other women. You still have sometime with them to rule the world.
4. Do not let your man to convince you that he is strong enough to completely change you.
5. Even if he paid for you in a restaurant, remember, it's his choice, you should not do it.
6. wants to see and know the world.
7. Make sure that your life is as steep and cool, what you imagine it to other positions in Instagram.
8. Do not smile if you do not want to do.
9. We are all human.
10. Do not let men express their admiration osvistyvaya you on the street. Give pretty resist!
11. You can not be better than the one who you are. You are such as they are.
12. Your success - not my success. Everything is just in your hands.
13. Even if you are tall, still occasionally Put on heels.
14. I would still like you to read "Jane Eyre».
15. But do not read "50 shades of gray." It's a real nonsense! Everything else - on your choice.
16. Please, look at least one episode of the series "Friends».
17. Keep old tickets.
18. Always wash before going to sleep.
19. Do not water the spirits themselves from head to toe.
20. swim in clothes.
21. swim without clothes.
22. Believe in Guardian Angels.
23. to make a wish when the cilium fall.
24. Be passionate in everything.
25. Do not put yourself in the frame.
26. Your sexuality does not determine the level of your morality.
27. For once in my life to go on some sort of music festival.
28. Do not dress as fashion critics say to you, dress as they.
29. If your job and your success in any way harass a man, it does not cost you!
30. Your importance is not determined by age, appearance, or forms.
31. School days - not the best time of your life. University - yes!
32. Dance with headphones as if the room is unoccupied. I will not laugh, honestly.
33. Find someone with whom you can laugh heartily.
34. Try to walk barefoot.
35. Do not be naive.
35. Head up!
36. Believe in miracles.
37. Do not regret the time spent in sadness. How did you even learn to appreciate those days when you feel really good?
38. Everything should be in moderation.
39. Sometimes, drinking a cup of coffee for the soul.
40. Be uncompromisingly honest.
41. Wake up early.
42. environmental inwardly beautiful and bright people.
43. Remember that no one can think exactly like you.
44. Never give up on something to sleep longer
45. The sad truth is always better than a sweet lie.
46. Always say "I love you" before leaving.
47. Do not miss the opportunity to photograph the beauty around.
48. When you live a happy moment, enjoy it.
49. Look for the beauty in everything.
50. Do not let the fear restrict you in some way.
Everything is simple and obvious, but motherly wisdom. Tell us about these ready-date advice to others, they will be useful to them!
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