He caught a huge egg in the usual packaging. I would have thought that inside the egg can be it!
When the man opened the package, he saw that one egg is significantly different from the others - it is just great! Then he decided to see what was there all the same inside. When he broke it, he waited for a real Kinder Surprise - a huge egg was another egg! In it, except the yolk, nothing unusual could not be found. Just remember the fairy tales about the egg-raytse and hen Ryaba. Eat a reason I'd be afraid.
Recursion in life, which naturally did not happen ! Share this unusual egg to your friends, so they are unlikely to have seen.
Recursion in life, which naturally did not happen ! Share this unusual egg to your friends, so they are unlikely to have seen.
Classy Goth. Do not believe your eyes and ears
How easy to manipulate people! Hard experiment on humanity, which may become a victim of one.