How easy to manipulate people! Hard experiment on humanity, which may become a victim of one.
The story I'm going to tell you, really. It happened in 1967 in California.
Ron Jones was the most common history teacher in high school Ellwood Kabberle in Palo Alto. At the time when this story happened, the disciples Jones just studied World War II. One of the students asked an interesting question to the teacher: : «How can the most common inhabitants of Germany have been able to pretend that they do not know any of the concentration camps, nor the numerous killings in their homeland?» I> Ron Jones, knowing that his disciples ahead of a training program, has decided to conduct an experiment to give a lesson to her class.
The first thing the teacher did - he told the students about the lethal power of discipline. He described that he felt an athlete who never misses a workout to achieve his goal. He told me how much work takes improving every movement of the ballerina or artist. Also put the example of a scientist who is willing to seek scientific ideas over the years.
Jones ordered all students to sit in the "attention" because it promotes the study of new material. After that, the team of Jones, the students repeatedly got up and sat down to another position. Then they were in the audience and had to quietly take their seats. All the students had to answer questions quickly and succinctly, it is so ordered the teacher. But the most interesting thing is that even the most obeyed orders passive disciples!
When Jones came to class - without exception, they sat silently in the "attention". Several students smiled. But the vast majority just sat, staring ahead. Their muscles were visibly tense, no one thought to smile or to ask questions.
The next thing Jones told the students, what is the power of community. By order of the class teacher I chanted in unison: «The strength - in the discipline, strength - in the community». I> Seeing their superiority, the children acted with great enthusiasm. Jones also came up with a special greeting for the students, which they were supposed to greet each other, and called it the Third Wave salute greeting. After that, each regularly greeted one another so-called fireworks.
On Wednesday, students waiting for innovation - the membership cards. No one wanted to leave the classroom, on the contrary, thirteen students have joined the experiment. Three membership cards teacher put a special mark, and warned their owners that they must report anyone who is against the rules Jones. Although the investigation denunciation takes almost the entire class. One of the students even showed a desire to be a bodyguard for teachers and as a result, had accompanied him throughout the school.
In the new conditions the ability of the three honors pupil became unnecessary in the end they told all parents. Jones even called a local rabbi, but his answer satisfied that the class is studying German. Jones was disappointed when even the headmaster greeted him salute the Third Wave. Resistance even absent in adults. By the end of the media organization had more than 200 people and most of them perceived the organization with absolute seriousness. Students demanded compliance by all, and intimidated opponents of the new order.
Until Thursday, the class has more than 80 people. They know what is pride. He said that pride - it's a lot more than the flags and fireworks. Pride - is that it is impossible to take away, it's the realization that you are the best. He told the students that they - participants of a national organization for young people, the purpose of which yavlyayutsya political reforms in the country. All they have done before, it was just training. «We are not alone, across the country have similar classes that the country must show that such changes will improve society. If we can change, we can change the order and in the factories and shops and universities. Show the whole country, that we can change the destiny of our nation ». I> By order of the guards brought teachers to the library three schoolgirls who doubted. When he announced that on Friday at noon on the third wave of the whole country will tell the leader of the movement, he is a candidate for the presidency.
The Cabinet of history crammed two hundred children. Free places left. Throughout hung posters of the Third Wave. At noon the teacher closed the door and put the time. He gave the traditional greeting. In response to the air rose two hundred hands. Then said the motto of the third wave: «The strength - in the discipline». I> The choir of two hundred voices repeated it. The motto was repeated again and again. Every time he rang louder. When Jones turned on the television - the children gazed at the screen, but there was nothing there.
Jones told his disciples: «Now, be careful. There is neither the leader nor the organization Third Wave! You made puppets, who led your same ambitions and emotions. You are not elected, you are not different from anything the Germans, which we studied. You have decided that the will of the group is more important than your own thoughts ». I>
As a lesson, Jones decided to show all students a film about Nazi Germany with the same: discipline, parades, greetings. And the fact that the Germans were waiting at the end.
Jones concluded: "If you have learned the lesson well, then none of you recognized that the organization was a member of Third Wave. You will also feel ashamed, like the Germans at the time, that you've come this far. " Students were suppressed words, teachers and some even cried.
This experiment shows how we all depend on society. If it surprise you - certainly tell friends!
via ofigenno ru
Ron Jones was the most common history teacher in high school Ellwood Kabberle in Palo Alto. At the time when this story happened, the disciples Jones just studied World War II. One of the students asked an interesting question to the teacher: : «How can the most common inhabitants of Germany have been able to pretend that they do not know any of the concentration camps, nor the numerous killings in their homeland?» I> Ron Jones, knowing that his disciples ahead of a training program, has decided to conduct an experiment to give a lesson to her class.
The first thing the teacher did - he told the students about the lethal power of discipline. He described that he felt an athlete who never misses a workout to achieve his goal. He told me how much work takes improving every movement of the ballerina or artist. Also put the example of a scientist who is willing to seek scientific ideas over the years.
Jones ordered all students to sit in the "attention" because it promotes the study of new material. After that, the team of Jones, the students repeatedly got up and sat down to another position. Then they were in the audience and had to quietly take their seats. All the students had to answer questions quickly and succinctly, it is so ordered the teacher. But the most interesting thing is that even the most obeyed orders passive disciples!
When Jones came to class - without exception, they sat silently in the "attention". Several students smiled. But the vast majority just sat, staring ahead. Their muscles were visibly tense, no one thought to smile or to ask questions.
The next thing Jones told the students, what is the power of community. By order of the class teacher I chanted in unison: «The strength - in the discipline, strength - in the community». I> Seeing their superiority, the children acted with great enthusiasm. Jones also came up with a special greeting for the students, which they were supposed to greet each other, and called it the Third Wave salute greeting. After that, each regularly greeted one another so-called fireworks.
On Wednesday, students waiting for innovation - the membership cards. No one wanted to leave the classroom, on the contrary, thirteen students have joined the experiment. Three membership cards teacher put a special mark, and warned their owners that they must report anyone who is against the rules Jones. Although the investigation denunciation takes almost the entire class. One of the students even showed a desire to be a bodyguard for teachers and as a result, had accompanied him throughout the school.
In the new conditions the ability of the three honors pupil became unnecessary in the end they told all parents. Jones even called a local rabbi, but his answer satisfied that the class is studying German. Jones was disappointed when even the headmaster greeted him salute the Third Wave. Resistance even absent in adults. By the end of the media organization had more than 200 people and most of them perceived the organization with absolute seriousness. Students demanded compliance by all, and intimidated opponents of the new order.
Until Thursday, the class has more than 80 people. They know what is pride. He said that pride - it's a lot more than the flags and fireworks. Pride - is that it is impossible to take away, it's the realization that you are the best. He told the students that they - participants of a national organization for young people, the purpose of which yavlyayutsya political reforms in the country. All they have done before, it was just training. «We are not alone, across the country have similar classes that the country must show that such changes will improve society. If we can change, we can change the order and in the factories and shops and universities. Show the whole country, that we can change the destiny of our nation ». I> By order of the guards brought teachers to the library three schoolgirls who doubted. When he announced that on Friday at noon on the third wave of the whole country will tell the leader of the movement, he is a candidate for the presidency.
The Cabinet of history crammed two hundred children. Free places left. Throughout hung posters of the Third Wave. At noon the teacher closed the door and put the time. He gave the traditional greeting. In response to the air rose two hundred hands. Then said the motto of the third wave: «The strength - in the discipline». I> The choir of two hundred voices repeated it. The motto was repeated again and again. Every time he rang louder. When Jones turned on the television - the children gazed at the screen, but there was nothing there.
Jones told his disciples: «Now, be careful. There is neither the leader nor the organization Third Wave! You made puppets, who led your same ambitions and emotions. You are not elected, you are not different from anything the Germans, which we studied. You have decided that the will of the group is more important than your own thoughts ». I>
As a lesson, Jones decided to show all students a film about Nazi Germany with the same: discipline, parades, greetings. And the fact that the Germans were waiting at the end.
Jones concluded: "If you have learned the lesson well, then none of you recognized that the organization was a member of Third Wave. You will also feel ashamed, like the Germans at the time, that you've come this far. " Students were suppressed words, teachers and some even cried.
This experiment shows how we all depend on society. If it surprise you - certainly tell friends!
via ofigenno ru
He caught a huge egg in the usual packaging. I would have thought that inside the egg can be it!
I thought they fell through the ground simultaneously. But these soldiers blew my idea of the army!