What makes this mother with her baby, has led me into raptures ... Super!
Generally it is believed that from the moment when you become a mother, you have to forget about himself and his whole life to give to the child. But this beautiful mom - a vivid example of what you can take care of yourself and look at 100%, even when you have a baby. The main thing - to organize your time! Look at how cool this super-mom turns to keep fit and at the same time taking care of his beloved baby. Great pastime, which will benefit both!
This mother is only respect and admiration! And indeed the children - this is not an excuse to not care about their appearance! Blame can only be lazy. The husband of a woman, and not say a word about the extra weight! Maybe the kid will grow in the same sports as his mom. This proves once again that if you want to - looking for opportunities, if you will not - looking for a reason! Share this wonderful video to your friends.
This mother is only respect and admiration! And indeed the children - this is not an excuse to not care about their appearance! Blame can only be lazy. The husband of a woman, and not say a word about the extra weight! Maybe the kid will grow in the same sports as his mom. This proves once again that if you want to - looking for opportunities, if you will not - looking for a reason! Share this wonderful video to your friends.
All the power of the ocean in slow motion! Epic video about how one tames elements.
These dogs probably would have won in competitions. But who needs a victory if there snacks?