All the power of the ocean in slow motion! Epic video about how one tames elements.
Surfing - a sport, which is important not only physical preparation. Fortitude and courage - that you need a person who is going to curb the elements. After all, only a strong personality can oppose the power of the ocean.
Surfing - is not only a matter of dexterity and mechanical work muscles. Good surfer should be as focused on what he is doing, and a lot of thinking - a wave, its board, its place in the line-up.
This video was created to show that people can not only resist the power of the elements, but also to curb it. Just look what these guys get up!
//player.vimeo.com/video/108799588?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Благодаря slow motion, these pictures look epic, but what surfers do, it seems something unreal. Share this incredible video with your friends, and maybe it will inspire them to new feats.
Surfing - is not only a matter of dexterity and mechanical work muscles. Good surfer should be as focused on what he is doing, and a lot of thinking - a wave, its board, its place in the line-up.
This video was created to show that people can not only resist the power of the elements, but also to curb it. Just look what these guys get up!
//player.vimeo.com/video/108799588?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Благодаря slow motion, these pictures look epic, but what surfers do, it seems something unreal. Share this incredible video with your friends, and maybe it will inspire them to new feats.
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What makes this mother with her baby, has led me into raptures ... Super!