11 incredibly strong film with the most unusual story. It masterpieces!
There are films that are irrevocably turn over your mind and change your habitual course of thought so that after watching them you will not be looking at the world as it did before. Each of them leaves an unforgettable, a little cloying and even bitter aftertaste. But this food for the mind is not for everyone ... This picture is only for real kinoestetov with delicate taste and form. If you also want to taste the exotic intellectual dish, you can safely get behind the view of the 11 great film masterpieces. Such a movie you need to watch avidly, without stopping. Have you prepared? Then a nice view!
«Donnie Darko", 2001
Painting "Donnie Darko" was one of the debut work of a young director Richard Kelly. This film looks like a white crow among modern monotonous kinopotoka. He does not look like anything else ... In the film, you will find a lot of different details, hints, parallels with other blockbusters, particularly with the work of the legendary David Lynch.
There is very blurred the line between dream and reality. This movie shows us a range of feelings and sensations ordinary teenager, tells us about his desires - overt and covert, his fears and attempts to introspection. It can not remain indifferent, and a great soundtrack for the film - the composition «Mad World» by Gary Jules.
What is it? The flow of ideas, and maybe a free flight of fancy director? This is primarily a drama, which is a complementary elements of fiction. This film is a puzzle that needs to unravel during playback, and can even continue to investigate after. And there is no guarantee that you will come to any concrete conclusion. It's safe to say that this is a movie that excites and leaves each viewer his mark.
«Waking Life", 2001
This film is an existential parable, filled with eternal questions and unexpected answers about the meaning of life. The journey of the protagonist of the reality and back to sleep appears here as a chain of reincarnations, and a kaleidoscope of paradoxes. Where each step generates new puzzles ...
This movie makes you wonder why, for example, children are not afraid to talk openly about their fantasies, which is full of monsters, good and evil witches and princesses. Simply their minds have not squeezed into the narrow confines of the perception of those who are imposed on us by others. Using video effect «solari», the director made it possible for the viewer completely go beyond that.
This film is made with the aim to awaken the consciousness of the throat well-fed "fastfudnym" movie viewer and give him a decent quality food for the mind.
«Matrix», 1999
"Matrix" - a cult film, who had already become a legend. Language does not turn to call it fantastic. This blockbusters helps us a whole new way to look at our lives. What is it that such a "matrix"? Each it acquires its shape. For example, I still can not find the sea a definite answer to this question.
The "Matrix" looked through the elements of literary classics, in particular motifs seen works by Isaac Asimov and Lewis Carroll. It seems that this picture - forever. The visual effects used in the film, is still considered a technical breakthrough in the film industry. The film attracts and shakes - everything looks the same breath. After 15 years, the film "The Matrix" and remained for many one of the most beloved.
«Samsara» 2011
This is a film-meditation, which is able to change your mind. If you're ready for the unexpected, then immerse yourself fully in the hour and a half journey through 25 countries on all continents of the world. The action of "Samsara" takes the viewer on the sacred land and in areas of natural disasters, in the heart of industrial sites and natural wonders.
"Samsara" in Sanskrit - is the "cycle of birth and death." The author shows us the birth and death through hypnotic veil, from which it is difficult to look away. Not a word, not a single scripture ... But despite this, the film can not be called a silent because he seemed with each frame is invisible dialogue with the audience.
It has everything. Modern metropolis, affecting its industrial development, and the people, as if fallen out of time. Animals in the factories and the consumer society, living at such a speed, which does not only difficult to remember anything, but even keep track of what is happening here and now. Do you realize that what for some is a wildness - the norm for others. We are all different, but in fact, we all - one.
«Cloud Atlas", 2012
It is 6 stories of reincarnation occurring at different times, which, ultimately, are closely intertwined. It represents us all invisible relationships that stretches through space and time, and never interrupted, for all of us - a particle of this world. But at the same time, we are able to go beyond its borders.
"Cloud Atlas" - a film that makes you think on many issues, at times the film makes even slobber. But experienced during the film's emotions are not simulated: you if he lives the life of each of the characters and their feelings overwhelms.
«She» 2013
Intriguing plot has a short description of the picture. Theodore - the lone writer who decided to buy a new operating system, which is able to fulfill every desire of the user. But soon between it and the computer system there is a novel ...
No, it's not a movie about computers and artificial intelligence. The first is a movie about a man who lost in their emotions and relationships. The film scares truthful prediction of possible computerized ways. Telegraph, telephone and computers must have had the idea to make us a little closer to each other. But paradoxically, with each new invention, so we just further away from each other. Virtual Reality is gradually replacing our lives from the real world. This film is in a very interesting way warns us about the threat of "artificiality" in everything.
«Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring", 2003
No one can violate the seasons. The course of life impervious to even the two monks who live quietly and peacefully in a hut on a lake surrounded by mountains. These people are just like each of us, can not break the cycle of desire, suffering and passion.
It's amazing how much can convey the film almost without words. This is an incredible beauty of the picture that can be viewed countless times, and each time you view to discover something new ... It is a film that you watch the whole heart and soul.
«Fight Club", 1999
Everyday life forever Riven insomnia, stress, depression ... That's the basic components of life of the protagonist of the picture. At some point it becomes simply boring and not interesting to live. He understands that he does not live and exist. A meeting with some Tyler Durden finally convinces him that "the world will soon go to the bottom", because all the "people - slaves to their things." The result of these two tandem becomes the "Fight Club." The moral pain makes people loaded their problems vegetables. And it helps drown out the physical pain. Only in the "Fight Club" everyone can once again get a taste of life "to realize that he very much alive." The film from the beginning keeps the audience in suspense lightweight, and at the end of waiting for the shocking discovery that could lead to unpredictable events ...
This film can not be forgotten, because it stands out among other works of cinema. Picture perfect in everything: in the intriguing plot, in colorful characters, an unusual music and fascinating dialogues. The collection of the film fans should be such films.
«Detachment", 2011
Heinrich Barth - Detachment, who gets another temporary assignment. This time he has to teach English and literature in an abandoned school, where swearing and insults towards teachers in the order of things.
We all have problems and difficulties, and we bring them home from work in the evening, and then again to take with you to work in the morning. But despite all this, Henry Barth finds the strength to give people something, what he desperately needs. At the same time it is far from the image of a nurse. He also sometimes acts tough and not always correct. There are no ideals. Everything, as in real life.
This film is not about nostalgia for the school and even school life, and how to manage each of us to survive, or vice versa - you have to give up in this cruel world. I have never seen such a cool movie about the education system as a whole and each person individually. This picture is worth a look all - both teachers and pupils, and parents and former students. Speaking of school, this movie tells about the whole life of indifference to the pain of passing the buck, the reluctance and inability to understand others - on the one hand, and the attempt to be a worthy man - on the other.
«Life is Beautiful", 1997
During the Second World War in Italy were sent to a concentration camp Jewish father and his little son. Wife, Italian, voluntarily followed after them. The camp's father told his son that everything that happens around is a big game, the meaning of which is not to catch the eye of guards. Finally, as each game is to be a prize. But comedy suddenly turns into a shrill, heart-rending drama.
The ability to make the viewer smile where the need to cry - this is the highest brink of talent. Benigni has managed to make a film. I want to laugh, I want to be touched, but it does not lose awareness of what is around terrible things happen.
This is a film about hope, about all the light that is in human nature. Watching him, you realize that the war is not even capable of destroying the human in a real person.
«Fountain", 2006
The main actor of this brilliant picture Darren Aronofsky is Thomas Creo, who, to save his terminally ill wife, Isabelle, looking for the mythical Tree of Life, the juice of which, as the legend says, is able to give eternal life. But it seems that it is an eternal race for something elusive ...
Here are a few story lines and they all tell one thing - eternal life. At the end of the film you come to the conclusion that maybe you should not chase eternity. We must appreciate the fact that there is now, or in the chaotic and senseless race you can miss the most important thing.
This film is a parable is a rare poetic story about a seemingly mundane things. The story came out honest and beautiful. You need time to recover after watching this fascinating creations.
Do not delay, choose any of the films, because each of them is a precious piece of work of cult filmmakers. Recommend this list changing the consciousness of movies your friends.
via ofigenno ru
«Donnie Darko", 2001
Painting "Donnie Darko" was one of the debut work of a young director Richard Kelly. This film looks like a white crow among modern monotonous kinopotoka. He does not look like anything else ... In the film, you will find a lot of different details, hints, parallels with other blockbusters, particularly with the work of the legendary David Lynch.
There is very blurred the line between dream and reality. This movie shows us a range of feelings and sensations ordinary teenager, tells us about his desires - overt and covert, his fears and attempts to introspection. It can not remain indifferent, and a great soundtrack for the film - the composition «Mad World» by Gary Jules.
What is it? The flow of ideas, and maybe a free flight of fancy director? This is primarily a drama, which is a complementary elements of fiction. This film is a puzzle that needs to unravel during playback, and can even continue to investigate after. And there is no guarantee that you will come to any concrete conclusion. It's safe to say that this is a movie that excites and leaves each viewer his mark.

«Waking Life", 2001
This film is an existential parable, filled with eternal questions and unexpected answers about the meaning of life. The journey of the protagonist of the reality and back to sleep appears here as a chain of reincarnations, and a kaleidoscope of paradoxes. Where each step generates new puzzles ...
This movie makes you wonder why, for example, children are not afraid to talk openly about their fantasies, which is full of monsters, good and evil witches and princesses. Simply their minds have not squeezed into the narrow confines of the perception of those who are imposed on us by others. Using video effect «solari», the director made it possible for the viewer completely go beyond that.
This film is made with the aim to awaken the consciousness of the throat well-fed "fastfudnym" movie viewer and give him a decent quality food for the mind.

«Matrix», 1999
"Matrix" - a cult film, who had already become a legend. Language does not turn to call it fantastic. This blockbusters helps us a whole new way to look at our lives. What is it that such a "matrix"? Each it acquires its shape. For example, I still can not find the sea a definite answer to this question.
The "Matrix" looked through the elements of literary classics, in particular motifs seen works by Isaac Asimov and Lewis Carroll. It seems that this picture - forever. The visual effects used in the film, is still considered a technical breakthrough in the film industry. The film attracts and shakes - everything looks the same breath. After 15 years, the film "The Matrix" and remained for many one of the most beloved.

«Samsara» 2011
This is a film-meditation, which is able to change your mind. If you're ready for the unexpected, then immerse yourself fully in the hour and a half journey through 25 countries on all continents of the world. The action of "Samsara" takes the viewer on the sacred land and in areas of natural disasters, in the heart of industrial sites and natural wonders.
"Samsara" in Sanskrit - is the "cycle of birth and death." The author shows us the birth and death through hypnotic veil, from which it is difficult to look away. Not a word, not a single scripture ... But despite this, the film can not be called a silent because he seemed with each frame is invisible dialogue with the audience.
It has everything. Modern metropolis, affecting its industrial development, and the people, as if fallen out of time. Animals in the factories and the consumer society, living at such a speed, which does not only difficult to remember anything, but even keep track of what is happening here and now. Do you realize that what for some is a wildness - the norm for others. We are all different, but in fact, we all - one.

«Cloud Atlas", 2012
It is 6 stories of reincarnation occurring at different times, which, ultimately, are closely intertwined. It represents us all invisible relationships that stretches through space and time, and never interrupted, for all of us - a particle of this world. But at the same time, we are able to go beyond its borders.
"Cloud Atlas" - a film that makes you think on many issues, at times the film makes even slobber. But experienced during the film's emotions are not simulated: you if he lives the life of each of the characters and their feelings overwhelms.

«She» 2013
Intriguing plot has a short description of the picture. Theodore - the lone writer who decided to buy a new operating system, which is able to fulfill every desire of the user. But soon between it and the computer system there is a novel ...
No, it's not a movie about computers and artificial intelligence. The first is a movie about a man who lost in their emotions and relationships. The film scares truthful prediction of possible computerized ways. Telegraph, telephone and computers must have had the idea to make us a little closer to each other. But paradoxically, with each new invention, so we just further away from each other. Virtual Reality is gradually replacing our lives from the real world. This film is in a very interesting way warns us about the threat of "artificiality" in everything.

«Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring", 2003
No one can violate the seasons. The course of life impervious to even the two monks who live quietly and peacefully in a hut on a lake surrounded by mountains. These people are just like each of us, can not break the cycle of desire, suffering and passion.
It's amazing how much can convey the film almost without words. This is an incredible beauty of the picture that can be viewed countless times, and each time you view to discover something new ... It is a film that you watch the whole heart and soul.

«Fight Club", 1999
Everyday life forever Riven insomnia, stress, depression ... That's the basic components of life of the protagonist of the picture. At some point it becomes simply boring and not interesting to live. He understands that he does not live and exist. A meeting with some Tyler Durden finally convinces him that "the world will soon go to the bottom", because all the "people - slaves to their things." The result of these two tandem becomes the "Fight Club." The moral pain makes people loaded their problems vegetables. And it helps drown out the physical pain. Only in the "Fight Club" everyone can once again get a taste of life "to realize that he very much alive." The film from the beginning keeps the audience in suspense lightweight, and at the end of waiting for the shocking discovery that could lead to unpredictable events ...
This film can not be forgotten, because it stands out among other works of cinema. Picture perfect in everything: in the intriguing plot, in colorful characters, an unusual music and fascinating dialogues. The collection of the film fans should be such films.

«Detachment", 2011
Heinrich Barth - Detachment, who gets another temporary assignment. This time he has to teach English and literature in an abandoned school, where swearing and insults towards teachers in the order of things.
We all have problems and difficulties, and we bring them home from work in the evening, and then again to take with you to work in the morning. But despite all this, Henry Barth finds the strength to give people something, what he desperately needs. At the same time it is far from the image of a nurse. He also sometimes acts tough and not always correct. There are no ideals. Everything, as in real life.
This film is not about nostalgia for the school and even school life, and how to manage each of us to survive, or vice versa - you have to give up in this cruel world. I have never seen such a cool movie about the education system as a whole and each person individually. This picture is worth a look all - both teachers and pupils, and parents and former students. Speaking of school, this movie tells about the whole life of indifference to the pain of passing the buck, the reluctance and inability to understand others - on the one hand, and the attempt to be a worthy man - on the other.

«Life is Beautiful", 1997
During the Second World War in Italy were sent to a concentration camp Jewish father and his little son. Wife, Italian, voluntarily followed after them. The camp's father told his son that everything that happens around is a big game, the meaning of which is not to catch the eye of guards. Finally, as each game is to be a prize. But comedy suddenly turns into a shrill, heart-rending drama.
The ability to make the viewer smile where the need to cry - this is the highest brink of talent. Benigni has managed to make a film. I want to laugh, I want to be touched, but it does not lose awareness of what is around terrible things happen.
This is a film about hope, about all the light that is in human nature. Watching him, you realize that the war is not even capable of destroying the human in a real person.

«Fountain", 2006
The main actor of this brilliant picture Darren Aronofsky is Thomas Creo, who, to save his terminally ill wife, Isabelle, looking for the mythical Tree of Life, the juice of which, as the legend says, is able to give eternal life. But it seems that it is an eternal race for something elusive ...
Here are a few story lines and they all tell one thing - eternal life. At the end of the film you come to the conclusion that maybe you should not chase eternity. We must appreciate the fact that there is now, or in the chaotic and senseless race you can miss the most important thing.
This film is a parable is a rare poetic story about a seemingly mundane things. The story came out honest and beautiful. You need time to recover after watching this fascinating creations.

Do not delay, choose any of the films, because each of them is a precious piece of work of cult filmmakers. Recommend this list changing the consciousness of movies your friends.
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He was director of a trillion. And he quit when daughter revealed to him that he had missed ...
"Every day I wonder what is the most worthy of the people - alone ..."