The beauty of his childhood in the village: the magical pictures of a baby with animals by a creative mother.
Elena Shumilova - a great photographer with children and animals who enjoy their daily business. Her pictures are full of joy idyllic village life. Its cozy atmosphere and timeless photographs acquire through models - children Elena and numerous animals, which the woman keeps on his farm.
Perhaps a greater role in the process of creating a photo and light. The fact that Elena photographs preferably by natural light. In addition, the photographer thinks that phenomena such as fog, smoke, rain or snow not only do not interfere with filming, but, on the contrary, make the photo more profound.
«Children and animals - my life» i>, - admits Helen. It is not surprising that this woman receives such touching pictures.
Photos of Elena Shumilova magical. Despite the plainness, there is in them something special. After viewing these images want to be in a quiet village, where there is no place bustle and noise of the big city. I am delighted with the work of this photographer ...
Perhaps a greater role in the process of creating a photo and light. The fact that Elena photographs preferably by natural light. In addition, the photographer thinks that phenomena such as fog, smoke, rain or snow not only do not interfere with filming, but, on the contrary, make the photo more profound.
«Children and animals - my life» i>, - admits Helen. It is not surprising that this woman receives such touching pictures.

Photos of Elena Shumilova magical. Despite the plainness, there is in them something special. After viewing these images want to be in a quiet village, where there is no place bustle and noise of the big city. I am delighted with the work of this photographer ...
If dogs could write ... 10 most truthful correspondences between pets and their owners.
His wife insisted on a meeting with the other. On the eve of the 2nd bye something happened that no one expected.