This is a deadly poison on the ground! And with him you face on a daily basis ...
Do you think the worst poison on the ground - the spider, snake or a scorpion? In fact, there are things more horrible, and you will be surprised to know that it.
Modern man is faced with great danger, which are fraught with uncontrolled flows of information. It is very difficult to limit or reduce its flow of information throughout and it has a very strong effect on the human body.
You've probably heard about how influenced by various words and thoughts on water. If not, I would say that at one time a popular science film "Water" made a big splash. In it showed that the sound from any changes in the structure of the water molecule. If it was something positive, it becomes like a beautiful snowflake if negative, acquired a chaotic form.
And as the man on 80% consists of water, it affects him directly. Any negative words or thoughts have an impact on destroying all life. So why not spend on an experiment and does not try to refrain from such things? I am sure you will feel the difference.
Furthermore uncontrolled flow of information has a negative impact on our body. Information has become akin to junk food, which you are driven; the stomach. The brain is also hard to digest it all. Any information can be found in our emotional response that an excess may even bring to exhaustion.
Do not turn your body into the garbage, stop watching TV, especially the news and various talk shows, and you will notice that began to sleep better. Try to protect yourself from negative information on the Internet and he does not try to be his source. Then your life will be much better and calmer.
It is important to learn awareness around what you're doing. Instead of automatically absorb food, think about what you eat and how you eat. Do not look up everything on TV and think of what information you perceive and how it affects you on. Do not live on harvested patterns, and listen to yourself and the leadership of their own feelings.
Modern man is faced with great danger, which are fraught with uncontrolled flows of information. It is very difficult to limit or reduce its flow of information throughout and it has a very strong effect on the human body.
You've probably heard about how influenced by various words and thoughts on water. If not, I would say that at one time a popular science film "Water" made a big splash. In it showed that the sound from any changes in the structure of the water molecule. If it was something positive, it becomes like a beautiful snowflake if negative, acquired a chaotic form.
And as the man on 80% consists of water, it affects him directly. Any negative words or thoughts have an impact on destroying all life. So why not spend on an experiment and does not try to refrain from such things? I am sure you will feel the difference.
Furthermore uncontrolled flow of information has a negative impact on our body. Information has become akin to junk food, which you are driven; the stomach. The brain is also hard to digest it all. Any information can be found in our emotional response that an excess may even bring to exhaustion.
Do not turn your body into the garbage, stop watching TV, especially the news and various talk shows, and you will notice that began to sleep better. Try to protect yourself from negative information on the Internet and he does not try to be his source. Then your life will be much better and calmer.
It is important to learn awareness around what you're doing. Instead of automatically absorb food, think about what you eat and how you eat. Do not look up everything on TV and think of what information you perceive and how it affects you on. Do not live on harvested patterns, and listen to yourself and the leadership of their own feelings.
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15 statements of the legendary Kurt Cobain, the man who remained in the memory of millions!