27 powerful graffiti that shoot straight to the heart. More than just words ...
There is no shame in the fact that often, many of us do not want to do anything themselves and await the magic kick in the ass. You can not doubt such unproductive periods in humans are found all the time, you're not alone in this world. In those seconds just waiting for that wonderful sign from somewhere in the heavens, or a sign from above. Then you begin to get accustomed to everything that surrounds you, only to find the answer to all your questions.
It is in such difficult times can be a powerful incentive ... banal inscription on the fence in the yard. And nothing that the paint is almost worn off, because this masterpiece adorns's not the first year. For some unknown reasons, you paid attention to the people's creativity only today. As if it was written especially for you. That is why the online journal now shows you 27 vivid examples of the wall to communicate with you. And, frankly, the sides are excellent. Carefully inspect around, when you leave the house. Perhaps a talented graffiti artist Banksy, has not zahazhival to you in the yard. But sloppy graffiti on folk artists look directly into the soul and remind us of the main.
A really sad that something so?
Love - around the head!
Feel like Che Guevara, go against the system!
And the talent, as we know, does not spend on drink ...
Do not even hesitate, cooker case said!
Do not worry, I'm flying ...
Come outside!
From the series: yesterday went to bed again today.
They can only love and caress.
Remember the simple truth!
A sponsor of this winter - obnimashki! And no frosts are not terrible ...
Anton Pavlovich knows a lot about life!
Life, Respect to you for the answer!
The brevity - the sister of talent.
Go feed the unicorn.
That's the whole point ...
A long time ago already exist ...
The walls are bad not prompt.
Never about anything I do not regret! B>
The soul wants to feast, do not let it dry out!
I do not doubt this is true. Throw crap out of your head! B>
She was good, he was good, all good!
And your coolness in doubt, cruel boy.
a standing ovation, the walls so wise ...
The only people increasingly forget it ...
Just someone penguin, while others swallow.
I - Fairy, now more than nafeyachu!
Surely you've seen a lot of screaming inscriptions on the walls of houses, porches, fences and plates, they just did not give much importance. Now something you'll get accustomed to everything that surrounds you. Perhaps such a ridiculous prank of some would-be artist will allow you to make the most important choice in your life. Not for nothing do they say that accidents are not accidental. If someone from your friends cool confused in life, show him this post - who knows, maybe this is where he will find the answers to all your questions.
via ofigenno ru
It is in such difficult times can be a powerful incentive ... banal inscription on the fence in the yard. And nothing that the paint is almost worn off, because this masterpiece adorns's not the first year. For some unknown reasons, you paid attention to the people's creativity only today. As if it was written especially for you. That is why the online journal now shows you 27 vivid examples of the wall to communicate with you. And, frankly, the sides are excellent. Carefully inspect around, when you leave the house. Perhaps a talented graffiti artist Banksy, has not zahazhival to you in the yard. But sloppy graffiti on folk artists look directly into the soul and remind us of the main.
A really sad that something so?

Love - around the head!

Feel like Che Guevara, go against the system!

And the talent, as we know, does not spend on drink ...

Do not even hesitate, cooker case said!

Do not worry, I'm flying ...

Come outside!

From the series: yesterday went to bed again today.

They can only love and caress.

Remember the simple truth!

A sponsor of this winter - obnimashki! And no frosts are not terrible ...

Anton Pavlovich knows a lot about life!

Life, Respect to you for the answer!

The brevity - the sister of talent.

Go feed the unicorn.

That's the whole point ...

A long time ago already exist ...

The walls are bad not prompt.

Never about anything I do not regret! B>

The soul wants to feast, do not let it dry out!

I do not doubt this is true. Throw crap out of your head! B>

She was good, he was good, all good!

And your coolness in doubt, cruel boy.

a standing ovation, the walls so wise ...

The only people increasingly forget it ...

Just someone penguin, while others swallow.

I - Fairy, now more than nafeyachu!

Surely you've seen a lot of screaming inscriptions on the walls of houses, porches, fences and plates, they just did not give much importance. Now something you'll get accustomed to everything that surrounds you. Perhaps such a ridiculous prank of some would-be artist will allow you to make the most important choice in your life. Not for nothing do they say that accidents are not accidental. If someone from your friends cool confused in life, show him this post - who knows, maybe this is where he will find the answers to all your questions.
via ofigenno ru
That's what I understand, no luck! 23 meetings with the animals, which would be better to avoid ...
Down horoscope from astrology-amateurs. Svolochnaya zodiac signs show your true face!